ÐApp containing smart contract function calls and signing.
This is the smart contract that the ÐApp interacts with below.
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract Id {
string fName;
uint age;
function setId(string _fName, uint _age) public {
fName = _fName;
age = _age;
function getId() public constant returns (string, uint) {
return (fName, age);
What is a ÐApp?
ÐApp is an abbreviated form for decentralized application.
A ÐApp has its backend code running on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. Contrast this with an app where the backend code is running on centralized servers.
A ÐApp can have frontend code and user interfaces written in any language (just like an app) that can make calls to its backend. Furthermore, its frontend can be hosted on decentralized storage such as Swarm or IPFS.
Go into your terminal and choose a directory that you want the project to reside in.
Enter into your terminal
git clone https://github.com/markspereira/ropsten_example_dapp.git
Check to see if you have nvm by running nvm --version
in your terminal
If not then download it from https://github.com/creationix/nvm
Check to see if you have node by running node --version
in your terminal
If you don't then
nvm install 8.60.0
Go into the root directory of the app
cd ropsten_example_dapp
Then enter
npm install
npm start
You can then look into src/App.js
to see the code I've written.