A React markdown editor and previewer.
yarn add react-markplus
import MarkPlus from 'react-markplus';
<MarkPlus markdown="# Hello world!" />;
Initial markdown text to load into the editor.
<MarkPlus markdown="# Hello world!" />
Default value is ''
A callback function to be invoked automatically when markdown text changes.
onChange={(markdown) => {
console.log('markdown text changed to:', markdown);
Default value is () => {}
A callback function to be invoked automatidally when preview html changes.
This has been removed from the library. Because you are supposed to generate preview using markplus-engine.
Show, hide or remove toolbar.
<MarkPlus toolbar="show" />
3 possible values:
: show toolbar, show a gutter below toolbar. Click the gutter to hide toolbar.hide
: hide toolbar, show a gutter on top. Click the gutter to show toolbar.none
: no toolbar, no gutter.
Default value: show
Display editor, preview or both.
<MarkPlus mode="both" />
3 possible values:
: show both editor and preview- there is a vertical gutter between editor and preview, you may drag the gutter to adjust sizes of them.
: show editor onlypreview
: show preview only- Use this mode if you don't need any editing feature.
- in this mode this library is a markdown renderer.
Default value: both
Overall theme: light, dark or auto:
<MarkPlus theme="auto" />
3 possible values:
: light themedark
: dark themeauto
: same as system theme
Default value: auto
You may configure the toolbar freely.
<MarkPlus toolbarItems={['about', '|', 'bold', 'italic']} />
A toolbar item could be either a string or a ReactElement
For toolbar items included with library, you may just specify a string.
For your own custom toolbar items, please specify a ReactElement
- show a modal about MarkPlus
- a vertical separator
- make text bold
- make text italic
- make text strokethrough
- make text underlined
- make text marked
- show a modal to insert emojis
- show a modal to insert fontawesome icons
- quote text
- create unordered list item
- create ordered list item
- create unchecked task list item
- create checked task list item
- insert a link
- insert a image
- insert a code snippet
- insert a table
- insert some math formulas
- insert some flowcharts
import { defaultToolbarItems } from 'react-markplus';
Its value is:
You may add or remote items from it to customize your own toolbar.
Here is a sample to create and insert a custom toolbar item:
className="fa fa-cog"
onClick={() => {
console.log('Todo: display a preferences modal');