ricv lets you create interactive image comparators from R. It works in Rmarkdown documents and Shiny application. Under the hood, it is just a tiny wrapper around the image-compare-viewer Javascript Library.
ricv(img1 = "mountains.jpg", img2 = "trees.jpg",
options = list(addCircle = T, hoverStart = T))
The ricv()
function also has an argument named css
, which expect a list in the format:
list(both = "some-css-for-both-label",
before = "some-css-for-both-label"
after = "some-css-for-the-after-label")
This can be used to modify the look of the labels. However, remember that the actual display of the labels is driven by one of the options
img1 = "mountains.jpg", img2 = "trees.jpg",
options = list(showLabels = T),
css = list(both = "padding: 40px;",
before = "font-size: 2rem;",
after = "font-size: 4rem; font-family: serif;")
If you don´t want to create by hand the options
list accepted by ricv()
, you can use the helper function ricv_opts()
, which gives you autocomplete and a convenient reminder of the possible attributes. For reference, see below all the possible options. The image-compare-viewer has examples for a few of them.
## $controlColor
## [1] "#FFFFFF"
## $controlShadow
## [1] TRUE
## $addCircle
## [1] TRUE
## $addCircleBlur
## [1] TRUE
## $showLabels
## [1] TRUE
## $smoothing
## [1] TRUE
## $smoothingAmount
## [1] 200
## $hoverStart
## [1] FALSE
## $verticalMode
## [1] FALSE
## $startingPoint
## [1] 50
## $fluidMode
## [1] FALSE
## $labelOptions
## $labelOptions$before
## [1] "Before"
## $labelOptions$after
## [1] "After"
## $labelOptions$onHover
## [1] TRUE