This is a 'helper' project to assist in common but annoying database ops. It uses Liquibase ( and Apache Ant (
- ant (Move Database) - Moves the database from the db and puts it in the db.
- ant getdb (Get Database) - Extracts both schema and data from source database.
- ant putdb (Put Database) - Creates and populated destination database.
- ant docdb (Document Schema) - Reads the Liquibase Schema file stored in the "out" directory and creates Javadoc-style documentation in the doc directory.
- ant diffdb (Diff) - Diffs source schema and reference schema. Both of these are defined in the file.
- ant getschema (Extract Schema) - Extracts the schema defined in the file and stores it in the out directory.
- ant getdata (Extract Data) - Extracts the schema defined in the file and stores it in the out directory.
- ant putschema (Create Schema) - Reads the Liquibase Schema file stored in the "out" directory and creates this schema in the schema.
- ant putdata (Insert Data) - Reads the data file in the out directory and inserts it into the schema defined in the file.
Target | Description |
cleandata | Deletes the generated data file from the source database, if it exists. |
cleanschema | Deletes the generated schema file from the source database, if it exists. |
diffdb | Performs a diff between the source and the reference database. |
docdb | Generates documentation for the source database. |
dropdb | Drops all the database tables from the destination database. |
getdata | Extract the data to Liquibase format from the source database. |
getdb | Extracts both the database schema and data to Liquibase format from the source database. |
getschema | Extract the schema to Liquibase format from the source database. |
main | Extracts source database schema and data to Liquibase format and creates schema on destination database and inserts data. |
putdata | Inserts the extracted data on the destination database from Liquibase extract. |
putdb | Creates the database schema on the destination database and inserts the data from Liquibase extracts. |
putschema | Creates the database schema on the destination database from Liquibase extract. |
|-- build.xml
|-- (this file)
|-- lib/
|-- ojdbc7.jar
|-- mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar
|-- mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar
|-- out/
|-- doc/
- Unicode between db vendors.
- data type incompatibilities between db vendors.
- Binary data types (in Oracle at least).
- doc column links do not resolve at data type level. Incorrectly scoped?!