An app to communicate via COM port (bluetooth for example) to send and receive data from a device. In this project an Arduino board. See Arduino folder for the setup and functionality of the board.
With this application you can handle a maximum number of two teams.
- Windows computer
- At least one devices connected through a COM port.
The application has some functionality to communicate through the COM port. The following table is a list of buttons in the applications and the functionality what it does.
Field name | Dutch button caption | Description |
btnSend<All/1/2> | Naar <alle teams/team 1/team 2> | Sends the message as plain text to all open serial ports |
btnFault<1/2/All> | Fout signaal | Sends a wrong answer command (message "FOUT", LED commands (L:) and sound commands (S:)) |
btnGood<1/2/All> | Goed signaal | Sends a good answer command (message "GOED", LED commands (L:) and sound commands (S:)) |
cboTeam<1/2> | Combobox with the available COM ports | |
btnSerial<1/2>Open | Open | Close | Opens or closes the selected COM port |
txtLastAnswerTeam<1/2> | Displays the last pressed answer. A team can't change it's answer during a question | |
txtTimeSinceSet<1/2> | During a question the time is displayed since the reset button is pressed and the answer is picked | |
button1 | button1 | Unused, for alignment purposes only during development, should be removed before version 1 |
btnStartTimer | Start timer + antwoorden legen | Set the timer to zero, empties answer fields and sends messages to the COM ports to clear display and turns off all LEDs |
btnSendScores | Verstuur scores | Sends the currents scores to each COM port. So team 1 will see his points total and team 2 will see his own scores on their display |
btnAdd<1/2><1-5> | +<1-5> | Adds score to the total for the team |
numscore<1/2> | Displays the current team score and you are able to change it here | |
chkFastest<1/2> | If checked this team was the fastest responder |
- Texts into resource file to support multiple languages and set language per team
- Add keyboard support and fix tab index