Visualisations for chromosome analysis
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn run dev
# build for production with minification
yarn run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
yarn run build --report
# run all tests
yarn run test
To use the chromosome component, use the example in ChromochartsOverview.vue.
To generate the chromosome data, use the python3 script: utils/ This file parses the UCSC cytoband.txt file per chromosome and converts it to chromocharts format Example input file called chr.txt:
chrY 0 2500000 p11.32 gneg
chrY 2500000 3000000 p11.31 gpos50
chrY 3000000 11600000 p11.2 gneg
chrY 11600000 12500000 p11.1 acen
chrY 12500000 13400000 q11.1 acen
chrY 13400000 15100000 q11.21 gneg
chrY 15100000 19800000 q11.221 gpos50
chrY 19800000 22100000 q11.222 gneg
chrY 22100000 26200000 q11.223 gpos50
chrY 26200000 28800000 q11.23 gneg
chrY 28800000 59373566 q12 gvar
[[0, 2500000, "p11.32"], [2500000, 3000000, "p11.31"], [3000000, 11600000, "p11.2"], [11600000, 12500000, "p11.1"], [12500000, 13400000, "q11.1"], [13400000, 15100000, "q11.21"], [15100000, 19800000, "q11.221"], [19800000, 22100000, "q11.222"], [22100000, 26200000, "q11.223"], [26200000, 28800000, "q11.23"], [28800000, 59373566, "q12"]]