A simple house alarm implemented on Arduino
It has the following states:
- PRE_ACTIVATED: The time period until the alarm is activated. This time let you leave the house.
If it is not deactivated, after
seconds, it will activate. - ACTIVATED: The alarm is sensing the sensors.
- PRE_RINGING: The time period of
seconds after the alarm will ring. - RINGING: The alarm is ringing.
- DEACTIVATED The alarm is deactivated.
- Constructor
HouseAlarm(int BuzzerPin)
takes the pin which a buzzer is connected. begin()
initializes the system.run()
checks the integrity of the system.activate()
actives the alarm.ring()
if the alarm is activated,ring()
changes the state to PRE_RINGING.is_ringing()
if and only if state of the alarm is RINGING.deactivate(char *pwd)
deactivates the alarm ifpwd