Collection of work aiming to detect various features in SEM images of nanobeam photonic crystals, notable the hole sizes and beam width. This work was done in a summer research project from May 2022 to August 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Paul Barclay.
This will mainly be an archival tool of the progress I make on this. Commits will mainly be various updates as I understand and discover different things.
The idea behind this project was to try and create a general purpose application which can detect and extract various features of SEM images of nanobeams. In particular, the sizes of the holes and width of the beam was of interest. To my knowledge, there was not standardized open source methods to achieve this, so I wanted to make easily expandable and implementable code for others to use.
Installation is broken up into two section: the Python packages and the AAMED algorithm. If the AAMED algorithm is not needed, one can skip installing it.
The Anaconda version of Python was used and tested in this work. Instruction for such will be given. If needed, first create a new environment with the desired Python version. Versions 3.8-3.10 have been tested.
conda create -n ellipse python=3.8
Next, install the required packages
conda install -n ellipse opencv=4.5.5 numpy pandas matplotlib tifffile ipykernel ipympl pysimplegui tabulate
This assumes Jupyter Notebooks/Lab is already installed (which it is in the default Anaconda setup).
OpenCV version 4.5.5 is specified since the provided AAMED binaries were compiled with this version. Other mismatched versions may work, but to be sure, it is best to compile the AAMED algorithm for that version if the functionality is desired. See the next section for details.
AAMED (Arc Adjacency Matrix Based Fast Ellipse Detection) was a key algorithm used when trying to find more sophisticated ellipse finding algorithm. It gave a good point of comparison and for some images worked significantly better than brute force attempts.
In order to use the AAMED algorithm, the AAMED binaries should be downloaded and placed
into the ./ellipsefinder/methods
folder. The binaries are
provided for AAMED in the releases section on the right side. Provided are versions for
the Anaconda distribution of Python 3.8-3.10 for Windows and Linux compiled for OpenCV
4.5.5. The system distribution in Linux should also work. For other distributions, one
will need to build the AAMED binary themselves.
Cython and a C++ compiler are needed for building. See the AAMED GitHub page for building details.
It is not necessary to install the AAMED binaries. If they are not found, an error will be shown, but the code can be used normally without access to the AAMED algorithm.
The main code is in ./ellipsefinder
and it consists of the main
file and the
folder. In the
file is all the functions
wrapping the functionality of the various ellipse finding algorithms in the
Most of the testing of the algorithms I did with the Jupyter notebooks in
. It is a bit unorganized, but examples of using
are best shown in
In general, a couple different sections should be written. First, for the images that we have used, we open then and remove any banners that are present. Second, we set up any filtering that we want done on the output results. Next, run our selected detection algorithm in the standard way seen in the examples. Finally, we can calculate some things with results and save all the output image.
Below is an example of the AAMED algorithm used on one of the nanobeams.
For finding the widths, there are two related files.
has the functions which are required for
the algorithm. The main function goes through the required steps in order. For ease of
attempts to wrap the
functionality of in a PySimpleGUI GUI
interface. Using this may be preferable, but it is still very much in an alpha state.
A screenshot of the interface is below.
The main procedure at the moment is as follows:
- Remove the banner from the image
- Preprocess and use OpenCV's HoughLinesP to obtain lines segments of the beam edges
- Categorize the lines by their slope and intercept
- Remove any obvious outliers via the interquartile range in the slopes
- Group and find the four main edges the define the beam via k-means where k=4
- Manually adjust the intercepts of the lines to better fit the beam
There are still many improvements to be made, in particular to the outlier removal, manual adjustment of the lines, and grouping via k-means, but this algorithm tended to work well for "nice" images.
The main unsolved issue at the moment with the width finding algorithm is that it sorts lines by their slopes and intercepts. While this is usually fine, images whose nanobeam is vertically aligned cannot be categorized since these properties are undefined. For a simple fix, one can simply manually crop out the banner and rotate the image so the algorithm can proceed. Alternatively, in the GUI version, there is a transpose button that will transpose the image in the backend for use the algorithm. The resultant lines are then transposed back so they can be drawn correctly on the image. Since the only important point is the distance between the lines, transposes should not affect this in any way.
To compare the accuracy of the ellipse finding methods, and for possible use in future machine learning methods, ground truth images/masks were created using ImageJ. For the details in creating the selection regions of interest (ROIs) and masks, see the ImageJ GT file which goes through the steps.
Three files are created from this method: the ground truth mask, the ROI zip file, and
the CSV file of the selection regions. I tested out both extraction the ellipses from
the mask and creating the ellipse from the CSV selection region data. Both are okay,
using ./ellipsefinder/
with the
CSV data is probably better.
These images were mainly used as points of reference when testing the binarization methods for each algorithm, but they have great potential to be used as training data for ML models down the line.
I tried to make adding new future methods relatively easy. All the current ellipse
finder algorithms implement the abstract base class (ABC)
which has the various functions needed
to get going. Bare minimum, the two abstract methods preprocess()
and extract()
should be implemented. preprocess()
, if needed, should return a preprocessed image
ready for the extraction process to start. extract()
should actually implement the
extraction process and return the DataFrame with the found ellipses' details. Is this
the best way to organize this process? I don't know, but I thought it worked well for
The ABC also has a few convenience functions that can be utilized when creating a new extraction method, as well as a default function to plot the found ellipses onto the original image.
A standard that I have used when storing the data in the DataFrame is storing the angle
of the ellipse with the commonplace counterclockwise positive direction starting from
the x-axis. In the OpenCV methods I have used, it adapts a clockwise positive direction
starting from the x-axis as its standard. This is something to keep in mind when
creating the extract()
function and storing results.
Removing the banners was an unexpected important step for the algorithms to succeed
more. Seen in
, the current method
builds on this one
adding a connected components analysis. At the moment, it is assumed that the banner
is at the bottom of the image and I simply crop the height of the largest connected
component off the bottom. For the data I had, this was sufficient but this may need
to change for banners in different locations.
It was only near the end of the project before I got a chance to add a graphical interface to complement the code. The current width finder GUI is still quite buggy and there are likely many edge cases that have yet to be discovered. As well, the ellipse finder does not have a GUI yet and it would be good to incorporate this together with the width finder GUI. This would also allow the many options of each algorithm to be easily changed and dynamically updated. Similar to the structure of the ellipse finder, it may be good to have an abstract GUI to inherit from such that each algorithm can have its own set of options to adjust. This however, may also require programming in the edge cases for each state the GUI may be in which is often time-consuming as well.
As mentioned in the Width Finder section, the main limitation for this algorithm is the reliance on calculating the slope and y-intercept to remove outliers and find the widths. Certainly other methods exist to solve this problem but I have not had the time to explore all the different avenues here. Switching to line segments may work better for distances, but then outlier detection becomes harder to manage. Exploring different possibilities would be very interesting.
This work so far is a great exploratory effort in creating a general purpose tool for detecting and extracting features in SEM nanobeam images. An expandable methods for measuring hole diameters as well as a graphical interface for finding the width was created here. Going forwards, adding more algorithms, refining the work, and unifying both sections together in a collective GUI would allow for much better efficiency and productivity.