Building a BPMN workflow API for rails 5.1
Application in progress. This README will document all necessary steps to get the application up and running.
Ruby version: 2.3.3
Rails version: 5.1
OS: Linux Mint 17.3
Database: MySQL 5.7
adapter mysql2
Using webpacker for bpmn libraries
Will be using rspec for test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
In progress
- Ruby 2.3.3
- Ruby on Rails 5.1 +
- MySQL 5.7
- Yarn
- Node 6.4.0 + How to Use:
$ git clone
$ cd workflow-api
$ bundle install
$ rails db:seed # add users admin, reporter and chief-editor
$ yarn # run yarn to compile webpacker
$ rails server
Access server running on http://localhost:3000
Modeling a new BPD with bpmn-js. Access http://localhost:3000/bpmn/modeler Save file and image localy in yor computer
- Go to http://localhost:3000/admin
- email: [email protected] password: 12344321
Select Diagrams ("http://localhost:3000/admin/diagram") Create new diagram using the file and image saved, or just use one of the projects diagrams on bpmn folder. For this study case, upload the diagrama_multi.svg and ProducaoNoticiaWebMulti.bpmn located on workflow-api/bpmn directory.
The MySQL database is already setup. Uploading the diagram xml file("ex:ProducaoDaNoticia.bpmn") as paramater to the framework endpoint will create a business process for it on the relational database. Access the route below to create a Business Process for your diagram.bpmn:
GET http://localhost:3000/bpmn/create.json?name="bpmn_file_name"
For our example we will be using ProducaoDaNoticia.bpmn file, so it will be like this:
GET http://localhost:3000/bpmn/create.json?name=ProducaoDaNoticia
After that it should send a "Business Process Created." message. If you checkout your admin dashboard, there should be 1 new Business Process and all it's tasks and SequenceFlows created.
Still on admin dashboard click on Tasks ("http://localhost:3000/admin/task") Select the userTask pré-apura pauta to edit and assign user Aroldo, a reporter.
On admin dashboard, go to Ontologies and select create.("http://localhost:3000/admin/ontology/new") Create a new ontologies with:
- File: On Ontologies directory, upload multi_newsroom.owl
- prefix:
- name: multi_newsroom
The framework is now all setup.
Go to http://localhost:3000/ontologies view and select "show" on the ontology recently created. Just like in step 2. type the diagram name on the form to search the most suitable usertasks role for the diagram's task's. It will make a SparQL querie in the ontology for each usertask on the diagram and show the result in an array.
Get Busines Process and all lanes and tasks. 1 = BusinessProcess id
GET http://localhost:3000/business_processes/1.json
Update Business Process current task to a next task with current_task id=22 and BusinessProcess id=1.
PUT http://localhost:3000/business_processes/5.json
"current_task_id": 22
Get task information and existing nexts tasks
GET localhost:3000/tasks/26.json
Creates a new Business with bpmn file name as params
GET http://localhost:3000/bpmn/create.json?name=ProducaoNoticiaWebMulti
Get user with id = 1 data and all his tasks assigned to.
GET http://localhost:3000/users/1.json