This code performs an airway tree segmentation from a CT image, then using graph algorithms it labels and colours the branches based on their generation.
For certain parts of my algorithm, I've used the following codes:
- Adrian Becker (2020). Region Growing (2D/3D) in C (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 8, 2020.
- Daniel (2020). Region Growing (2D/3D grayscale) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 8, 2020.
- Kollmannsberger, Kerschnitzki et al., "The small world of osteocytes: connectomics of the lacuno-canalicular network in bone." New Journal of Physics 19:073019, 2017. Skeleton3D
- Kollmannsberger, Kerschnitzki et al., "The small world of osteocytes: connectomics of the lacuno-canalicular network in bone." New Journal of Physics 19:073019, 2017. Skel2Graph 3D
For handling NIfTI files, the following toolbox is necessary:
- Jimmy Shen (2020). Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 8, 2020.
To use this algorithm, you have to run the 'AirwayTreeSegmentationFromCT.m' file. It requires a CT image as an input, in '.nii.gz' or '.nii' format. The results of each step are saved in an appropriately named '.nii' file.