A content based retrieval system (CBIR) to find icons with similiar styles based on LIRE
OPENCV OpenCV library bindings for Java MUST be located at: C:/opencv/build/java/x64/opencv_java401.dll if not download opencv 4.0.1 (or >) from https://opencv.org/releases.html
LUCENE Download all the lucene binaries from https://lucene.apache.org/core/ and follow this tutorial https://lucene.apache.org/core/8_0_0/demo/overview-summary.html#Setting_your_CLASSPATH I suggest you to put lucene main folder into C:/
- Download the LIRE source code from www.lire-project.net
- Copy src/ and res/ folders into LIRE main folder, if asked to join folders, say YES to all
- Import the LIRE sources in any IDE that supports Gradle (e.g. Eclipse)
- Export as JAR from the IDE
- Index: path/to/jar index path/to/images/folder
- Search path/to/jar search path/to/image_to_search path/to/folder_for_saving_results
- Manuel Scurti
- Jeanne Bosc-Bierne