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A web-based interface and web service for the while_parser library

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WhileParser API

A web-based interface and API for the while_parser library.

Web-based interface

It is already deployed in the following address:

Open this address in a web browser to access the web interface.


It accessible from the following URL:


The body of the HTTP request has to contain the parameter while_code associated with the source code of the while program to be parsed. Optionally, a cfg parameter can be set to true in obtain a Control Flow Graph of the main program. If cfg is not set (or set to a value different from true) the AST of the whole program would be returned.

It returns a JSON object with the following fields:

  • ok: It takes the value true of false and indicates whether the parsing was successful or not.
  • body: In the case in which ok takes the value true, this field contains the JSON representation of the program (see the description below)
  • start_label: If the cfg parameter is set to true, this field would contain the label of the initial block of the program.
  • msg: In the case in which ok is bound to false, this field contains a string with the corresponding parser error.
  • line_no: In the case in which ok is bound to false, this field contains the line number in the input source code in which parsing failed.


The following function shows how to issue a request to the API from Python 3.

import http.client
import urllib.parse
import json

API_URL = '/while_parser/api/parse'

def send_request(while_code, *, cfg=False):
  conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(SERVER_NAME)
  params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
    'while_code': while_code,
    'cfg': 'true' if cfg else 'false'
  headers = {
    'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'Accept': 'application/json'

  conn.request('POST', API_URL, params, headers)
  response = conn.getresponse()
  result_json = json.loads(
  return (response.status, result_json)

For example, to obtain the AST of a program:

status, parsed_program = send_request("""
    function fib(x :: int) ret (y :: int)
      if x <= 0 then
        y := 0
        if x <= 1 then
          y := 1
            var f1 := 0;
            var f2 := 0;
            f1 := fib(x - 1);
            f2 := fib(x - 2);
            y := f1 + f2;
    z := fib(4);

print('Status code:', status)
if parsed_program['ok']:
  print('Error at line {}: {}'.format(

If you want to obtain a CFG from a program, you can call send_request as follows:

status, parsed_program = send_request("""
    c := 10;
    y := 1;
    while 1 <= c do
      y := y * c;
      c := c - 1;
    res := y;
  """, cfg=True)

print('Status code:', status)
if parsed_program['ok']:
  print('Error at line {}: {}'.format(parsed_program['line_no'], parsed_program['msg']))

JSON-based AST representation

Please read the textual representation first.

Each node in the abstract syntax tree is represented as a JSON object containing four fields:

  • category: It is a string containing the syntactic category of the node. It can be one of exp (expression), stm (statement), program, declaration, or type.
  • category_sub: It contains the subcategory of the node. For example, inside the stm category this field may contain the values if (conditional statement), funapp (function call), assignment, etc.
  • line: An integer containing the line number corresponding to that node in the source code given as input.
  • options. A JSON object with the parameters specific to each subcategory. For example, in an assignment we have two options, lhs and rhs, which respectively denote the variable being assigned to, and the expression that occurs at the right-hand side of the := sign.

The following table summarizes the different syntactic categories, with the options supported by each.

Category Subcategory Description Supported options
exp literal An integer or boolean literal number or boolean associated with the corresponding value.
exp variable A variable. name of the variable.
exp add Addition: lhs + rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp sub Subtraction: lhs - rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp mul Multiplication: lhs * rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp leq Comparison: lhs <= rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp eq Comparison: lhs == rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp and Conjunction: lhs && rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp or Disjunction: lhs || rhs lhs, rhs denoting each operand.
exp conditional Conditional expression: condition ? if : else condition, if, else
exp tuple Tuple construction: (exp1, ..., expn) components with a list of subexpressions.
exp hd Head of a list: l.hd lhs with the operand.
exp tl Tail of a list: lhs with the operand.
exp cons List construction `[head tail]`
stm skip No operation: skip
stm assignment Assignment: x := e lhs (variable), rhs (expression)
stm tuple_assignment Assignment: (x1, ..., xn) := e lhs (list of variables), rhs (expression)
stm fun_app Assignment: x := f(e1, ..., en) lhs (variable), fun_name (string), args(list of expressions).
stm if Conditional condition (expression), then (list of statements), else (list of statements).
stm while Loop condition (expression), body (list of statements).
stm block Scoped block (begin...end) decls (list of variable declarations), body (list of statements)
stm ifnil Conditional for lists variable (string), then (list of statements), else (list of statements).
program program Top-level program functions (list of function declarations), main_stm (list of statements)
declaration fun_decl Function declaration function_name (string), params (list of parameter declarations), returns (singleton list of variable declarations), body (list of statements)
declaration var_decl Variable declaration lhs (string), rhs (expression), type (type, optional)
declaration param_decl Parameter declaration variable (string), type (type, optional).
type int
type bool
type tuple Tuple of types (t1, ..., tn) components (list of types)
type list List type [t] elements (type)
type non_empty_list Non-empty list type [t]+ elements (type)

JSON-based CFG representation

If cfg is set to true, the result field contains a list of CFG blocks. Each block contains four fields:

  • type: determines the contents of the block. It may be "assignment", "skip", or "condition".
  • label: an integer number that identifies the block.
  • succs: list of integer numbers that contains the labels of the successors of the block.
  • contents: contents of the block (see table below).
Type contents field
skip empty object
assignment object with two fields: lhs (variable being assigned to) and rhs (expression AST)
condition object with one field: condition (which is an AST)


A web-based interface and web service for the while_parser library






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