What is SamUser?
SamUser is a Module that acts like glue between ZfcUser, ZfcUserDoctrineORM and BjyAuthorize. Configuration for those three Modules - at least in my cases - are almost identical at all times. Since I am too lazy to copy paste stuff I created this Module.
What exactly does SamUser?
SamUser provides a very common Default-Configuration for the abovementioned Modules. It also provides the required Entities.
What's the use again?
Nothing but helping out lazy people ;) You may want to check out my blogpost where i describe in detail how and why this module has been created
Installation via composer is supported, simply add the following line to your composer.json
"require" : {
"manuakasam/sam-user": "dev-master"
All that matters then is to load SamUser
after ZfcUser
and BjyAuthorize
. An example application configuration could look like the following:
'modules' => array(
'SamUser' // Important to load after all ZfcUser, BjyAuthorize and their required modules!
This Module doesn't require any special configuration. All that's needed is to set up a Connection for Doctrine. For this you can use the distribuntionable located inside SamUser/config
If you need to modify any behavior of the glued Modules, then simply use the DEFAULT Configuration Options from ZfcUser or BjyAuthorize ;)
This Module heavily depends on the following Modules and makes no sense without them:
- ZfcUser
- DoctrineORMModule
- ZfcUserDoctrineORM
- BjyAuthorize