Starter Code for a Javascript application
- Node JS (Version 10.16.0) - Download and install Node JS from Node Js Download Page if not already installed on system.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Change directory
cd lti-seed-app
# Install NPM dependencies
npm install
# Then simply start your app
npm start
# Test on localhost
├───config # Configuration files
├───public # Client-side application, e.g. image assets, stylesheets and javascript files
│ ├───css
│ └───js
├───routes # Server-side end points. For each route, there will be a corresponding controller file in "Controllers" folder
├───controllers # Server-side controllers responsible for request handling and generating corresponding response as per business logic
├───validators # Server-side request validations
└───views # Server-side view templates.
├───helpers # Common utility functions
├───test # Files containing unit test cases
- dependencies
- express - Servside framework
- express-session - For server side session
- memorystore - For saving session without datastore
- config - To manage environment based config files
- ajv - For Request validations
- body-parser - For parsing incoming post request data
- hbs - Handlebars Templating engine for server side views
- express-handlebars - Integarting handlebars with express
- helmet - For securing app by setting http headers
- winston - For logging
- devDependencies - For development only
- NODE_ENV - Application environment. Possible values are development and production.
-- TODO --