Novalink is a social media website for food lovers. Join the amazing community and find and share your dishes with the world.
Check out this amazing website today
Landing Page
- You can see a CTA button get started that will open a login page from which user can login.
- For new users create a new account by clicking on singup button.
- You can also guest login(one click login).
User feed
- All the posts of the account that users follow will appear here
- User can see a sidebar from which he/she can navigate to the other pages
- There will be a activity bar in which user can see account to follow suggestions.
- In the activity bar you can see a CTA saying Create post.
Bookmark Page
- User can add any post to the bookmark by clicking bookmark button in the post.
User Profile
- User name, user bio, user follwing count, user followers count will appear here
- User can follow other user by navigating to their profile and clicking follow button
- Edit user profile
Like post
- User can like post
Comment post
- User can comment on any post
- User can delete his own comment on other users post
- User can edit comments as well
Explore feed
- User can see all the users posts that user don't follow here
- You can navigate to post page by clicking on them
Follow Unfollow user
- User can follow other users
- Unfollow user
Create post
- Create post only images are allowed
- Add caption
- signup
- Login
- Logout
- Share post and Archive post
- Chat feature
Clone the repository on your local machine with the command below in your terminal, and cd into the novee-app folder
git clone cd Novalink
Install dependencies using npm or yarn
npm install or yarn add
Create a
file at the root level of the directory, and create a secret key shown belowREACT_APP_JWT_SECRET=<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>
Start your dev server
npm start