RESTful API to cBioPortal/cbioportal sessions in MongoDB.
Session information is stored in JSON, so this API generalizes to any JSON objects.
JDK 1.7 or later:
Maven 3.0+:
Create database 'session_service' using the 'mongo' shell interface to MongoDB:
$ mongo
> use session_service
Clone repository, compile, run tests, and start server:
$ git clone
$ cd session-service
session-service$ mvn package -Dpackaging.type=jar && java -jar target/session_service-0.1.0.jar
To generate war file with a configuration file:
$ cd session-service
session-service$ mkdir src/main/resources/
session-service$ cp /path/to/myapp.config src/main/resources/
session-service$ mvn package
An example properties file:
To have a context root that is not "/", add to the properties file:
- Assumes you want to run the server on port 8080. This can be overridden by setting the process's SERVER_PORT environment variable.
session-service$ export set SERVER_PORT=8090; mvn package -Dpackaging.type=jar && java -jar target/session_service-0.1.0.jar
Swagger documentation will be found here: http://[url]:[port]/swagger-ui.html e.g. http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui.html
Creates a session. Returns status 200 and the session id in response body on success. The session is saved in a collection named {type}. Both source and type are saved in the session document. Valid types are: main_session and virtual_cohort. If a session with the same source, type, and data already exists in the database returns the session id of that session instead of creating a duplicate.
WARNING: This is case sensitive. You should always use the same case for source and type.
Example body for POST http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/
{"title": "my main portal session", "description": "this is an example"}
Example response:
"id": "57167a52ef86d81afb415aba"
If no JSON data passed in request body or an invalid type is sent returns 400 status with something like the following in the body:
"timestamp": 1461093154793,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "org.cbioportal.session_service.domain.exception.SessionInvalidException",
"message": "valid types are: 'main_session' and 'virtual_cohort';",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/invalid_type/"
Sending invalid JSON in the request body returns a 400 status with something like the following in the body:
"timestamp": 1461090997119,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "org.cbioportal.session_service.domain.exception.SessionInvalidException",
"message": "\n{\"portal-session\": blah blah blah}\n ^",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/"
Returns all sessions for source and type. Returns "[]" if no sessions.
Example response for GET http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/
"id": "57167a52ef86d81afb415aba",
"data": {
"title": "my main portal session",
"description": "this is an example"
"source": "msk_portal",
"type": "main_session"
"id": "57167c69ef86fdfcec850342",
"data": {
"title": "my main portal session",
"description": "this is another example"
"source": "msk_portal",
"type": "main_session"
Returns single session given source, type, and id. Example response for GET http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/57167a52ef86d81afb415aba
"id": "57167a52ef86d81afb415aba",
"data": {
"title": "my main portal session",
"description": "this is an example"
"source": "msk_portal",
"type": "main_session"
If no session is found returns status 404 with a request body like this:
"timestamp": 1462379207301,
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"exception": "org.cbioportal.session_service.service.exception.SessionNotFoundException",
"message": "Session not found",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/test"
WARNING: This is case sensitive. GET http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/MSK_portal/main_session/57167a52ef86d81afb415aba and GET http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/Main_Session/57167a52ef86d81afb415aba are NOT equivalent.
Returns all sessions matching a query for source and type. Returns 200 status on success. Example response for GET http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/query?field=data.title&value=my%20main%20portal%20session
"id": "57167c69ef86fdfcec850342",
"data": {
"title": "my main portal session",
"description": "this is another example"
"source": "msk_portal",
"type": "main_session"
Updates a session given the source, type, and id. Returns status 200 on success with empty request body. Example body for PUT http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/57167a52ef86d81afb415aba
"title": "my UPDATED main portal session",
"description": "this is an example"
If no JSON data passed in request body returns status 400 with a request body like this:
"timestamp": 1461092375741,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException",
"message": "Required request body is missing: public void org.cbioportal.session_service.web.SessionServiceController.updateSession(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/57167a52ef86d81afb415aba"
If an invalid id is passed returns status 404 with a request body like this:
"timestamp": 1462379078498,
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"exception": "org.cbioportal.session_service.service.exception.SessionNotFoundException",
"message": "Session not found",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/test"
Sending invalid JSON in the request body returns a 400 status with something like the following in the body:
"timestamp": 1461092440979,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "org.cbioportal.session_service.domain.exception.SessionInvalidException",
"message": "\n{\n \"title\": \"my UPDATED main portal session\",\n \"description\": blah blah blah\n}\n ^",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/57167a52ef86d81afb415aba"
Deletes a session with source, type, and id. Returns 200 status on success with empty request body. Example URL for DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/57167c69ef86fdfcec850342
If an invalid id is passed returns status 404 with a request body like this:
"timestamp": 1462379146105,
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"exception": "org.cbioportal.session_service.service.exception.SessionNotFoundException",
"message": "Session not found",
"path": "/api/sessions/msk_portal/main_session/test"