How to use?
(1)Take the experimental dataset i.e. only the features and label ('ee') from the 'relayHeckAllData.xlsx' file (sheet1, name-'real') and save it as a .csv file.
(2)Add synthetic data, for instance borderline-2 using the file-'smote.ipynb'. Save the experimental plus synthetic data into a single .csv file. e.g. Sheet2 (name-'realPlusSynBL2') in the 'relayHeckAllData.xlsx' file.
(3)To run a Random Forest model with synthetic data, use ''. In this .py file replace the existing file names with your two file names i.e. only experimental data set and mixed (experimental plus synthetic) data set.
(4)To run a Random Forest model only with experimental data use ''
Similar process is to be followed for k-Nearest Neighbour and Gradient Boosting with the relevent .py file as provided.
(5)For building Deep Neural Network model only with experimental data use 'dnnPureData.ipynb' file and 'dnn_pure_synthetic.ipynb' for experimental plus synthetic data.
The identity of the reaction entities are provided in the Supporting Information.