medaprep is used to prepare xarray
Datasets for downstream tasks.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import xarray as xr
>>> from medaprep import skim
>>> temp = 15 + 8 * np.random.randn(2, 2, 3)
>>> precip = 10 * np.random.rand(2, 2, 3)
>>> lon = [[-99.83, -99.32], [-99.79, -99.23]]
>>> lat = [[42.25, 42.21], [42.63, 42.59]]
>>> ds = xr.Dataset(
"temperature": (["x", "y", "time"], temp),
"precipitation": (["x", "y", "time"], precip),
"lon": (["x", "y"], lon),
"lat": (["x", "y"], lat),
"time": pd.date_range("2014-09-06", periods=3),
"reference_time": pd.Timestamp("2014-09-05"),
>>> df = skim.features(ds)
>>> df
variables data_types NaNs mean std maximums minimums
0 temperature float64 False 14.3177 9.08339 30.3361 -7.76803
1 precipitation float64 False 4.62568 3.03081 9.89768 0.147005
For more details see Documentation and Example Notebooks.
pip install medaprep
conda install -c conda-forge medaprep
This project uses pre-commit, isort, black, and flake8 to help enforce best practices. These libraries are all included in requirements-dev.txt and can be installed with pip by running:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Once pre-commit is installed, install the hooks specified by the config file into .git:
pre-commit install
You can then test pre-commit by running: