A plugin to automatically link keywords to any url. Settings page requires Mai Theme or ACF Pro.
If a post has any keywords you set (case-insensitive) it will automatically be linked. If "broccoli" was your keyword, use this sentence as an example:
"Broccoli is my favorite vegetable. My favorite way to eat broccoli is with salt and butter."
Mai Link Injector will dynamically add links to the text, keeping the case as-is:
"Broccoli is my favorite vegetable. My favorite way to eat broccoli is with salt and butter."
- Visit Dashboard > Mai Theme > Link Injector (if using Mai Theme) or Dashboard > Settings > Mai Link Injector.
- Add links and optionally modify settings.
- That's it!
Programmatically add links via the mai_link_injector_links
* Adds links to Mai Link Injector.
* @param array $options
* @return array
add_filter( 'mai_link_injector', function( $options ) {
$links = [
'some keywords' => 'https://bizbudding.com',
'mai theme' => 'https://bizbudding.com/mai-theme',
'maple syrup' => 'https://sugarmakers.org/',
// Optionally use conditional tags to conditionally load links.
// Add new links.
$options['links'] = array_merge( $options['links'], $links );
return $options;
This example automatically gets all of the post categories and uses the category name as the keyword(s) and the category archive url as the url. Any post with a same text as a category name will automatically have a link to that category archive.
* Conditionally adds category archive links to Mai Link Injector.
* @param array $options
* @return array
add_filter( 'mai_link_injector', function( $options ) {
// Bail if not a single post.
if ( ! is_singular( 'post' ) ) {
return $options;
// Set taxonomy name.
$taxonomy = 'category';
// Get all terms.
$terms = get_terms(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'hide_empty' => false,
'fields' => 'id=>name',
// Bail if no terms.
if ( ! $terms || is_wp_error( $terms ) ) {
return $options;
// Create array of keywords => links.
$links = [];
foreach ( $terms as $term_id => $term_name ) {
$links[ $term_name ] = get_term_link( $term_id, $taxonomy );
// Bail if no links.
if ( ! $links ) {
return $options;
$options['singles'][] = 'post'; // Make sure posts are set to inject links.
$options['singles'] = array_unique( $options['singles'] ); // Remove duplicates.
$options['links'] = array_merge( $options['links'], $links ); // Adds new links.
return $options;
Text within the following elements will not have links created:
Elements with a mai-link-exclude
class will ignore keyword matches.
If you'd like to add or remove these elements, the following filter is available:
$invalid = apply_filters( 'mai_link_injector_invalid_elements', $invalid );