Contributors: tareq1988, wedevs
Donate link:
Tags: frontend, post, edit, dashboard, restrict, content submission, guest post, guest, dashboard, registration, profile, anonymous post, gravity, gravity forms, formidable
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: trunk
Create, update, delete posts and edit profile directly from the WordPress frontend.
The forms gives users the ability to create new posts, edit their profile all from the site frontend, so that the user does not need to enter the backend admin panel to do action.
WP User Frontend offers you the most features for free than the other frontend post submission plugins out there.
All of the forms get an unique shortcode which you can paste on any page and the form will generate without breaking the style of your theme.
Users can upload files, fill out forms, even entry data with multiple choice menus. Also, since all the forms are created as a custom post, so our post management can allow users to update their posts from the frontend.
Taking the advantage of custom post types will allow you to work on any platform. WP User Frontend is WooCommerce supported, so you can also create products using our forms.
Create subscription packs to take “Pay Per Post” payments. Submissions posted via these subscriptions have duration and posting limits.
Trigger emails on multiple events like new submission, publish notification, subscription join/leave to stay notified about your forms performance.
Quickly create registration forms, woocommerce product forms, guest posting forms, frontend posting forms etc with one click using our templates and assorted fields.
- The user can create a new post and edit it from the frontend
- They can view their page in the frontend custom dashboard
- Users can edit their profile
- Administrator can restrict any user level on accessing the WordPress backend
- New posts status, submitted by users are configurable via admin panel. i.e. Published, Draft, Pending
- Get email notification on new posts
- Configurable options giving access to the user edit or delete their posts
- Upload attachments from the frontend
- Upload post featured image
- Admins can manage users from frontend
- Pay-per-post or subscription package for posting
The premium version of WP User Frontend is completely different from the free version as there are a lot more features included.
- Unlimited post type form creation
- Drag-n-drop form builder
- Custom taxonomy support
- 13 variations of custom fields
- Guest post support
- Custom Redirection
- Image upload on post content area
- Post status selection on new post and edited post separately
- New or edit post notification
- Custom fields are also generated in admin area
- Profile form builder
- Different profile edit forms for different user roles
- Drag-n-Drop profile form builder
- Profile fields are also generated on the backend
- Avatar Upload
- Frontend profile edit
- Registration form builder
- Captcha Support
Try an online demo of the Pro version.
- Italian translation by Gabriele Lamberti
- Persian translation by Abolfazl Esmailinejad
= Checkout Our Other Products =
After having installed the plugin:
- Click "Install WPUF Pages" after installation for automatic settings installation.
- Create a form from the form builder. Get the shortcode for a form. Copy and paste that shortcode to a page.
- Create a new Page “Edit” for editing posts and insert shortcode
- Create a new Page “Profile” for editing profile and insert shortcode
- Create a new Page “Dashboard” and insert shortcode
To list custom post type event, use[wpuf_dashboard post_type="event"]
- Set the Edit Page option from Others tab on settings page.
- To show the subscription info, insert the shortcdoe
- To show the subscription packs, insert the shortcode
- For subscription payment page, set the Payment Page from Payments tab on settings page.
###1. Admin panel
###2. Admin panel → Dashboard Tab
###3. Admin panel → Login Tab
###4. Admin panel → Payments Tab
###5. Post Forms
###6. Form Builder
###7. Form Builder → Post Settings
###8. Form Builder → Edit Settings
###9. Form Elements
###10. Subscription Packs
###11. Subscription Pack Settings
###12. Subscription Packs in a Page
###13. Subscription Payment Screen
###14. A single Form Element on Form Editor
###15. A Form in a Page
###16. Frontend User Dashboard
Please check if you've specified the max upload size on setting
This page is for the purpose of editing posts. You shouldn't access this page directly. First you need to go to the dashboard, then when you click "edit", you'll be redirected to the edit page with that post id. Then you'll see the edit post form.
- [improve] Update action name by removing language changing option
- [improve] Update SweetAlert version
- [improve] Added merge tags component
- [improve] Correctly use password strength meter and show mismatch
- [improve] Add post forms js dependency filter
- [improve] Radio/checkbox inline-block CSS added
- [fix] Default option not set in radio field
- [fix] Selected option gets level rather than value
- [fix] Multi select and checkbox default value issue
- [fix] Refresh upload buttons on multistep forms on each step change
- [fix] Radio buttons pre-select default option not working while editing the button value
- [fix] Corrected the plugin documentation link
- [fix] Mail not going on post expiration
- [fix] Cannot delete attribute field from product form after delete attribute
- [fix] Overload Js in subscription and form setting
- [fix] Post empty content issue on save draft
- [fix] Form render error when using shortcodes in custom html field
- [fix] Conflict with Imagify Image Optimizer plugin
- [fix] When site language changed, Add Form/ Edit Form page display nothing
- [improve] Added word limit feature for text field
- [improve] Added page shortcode insert button in TinyMCE
- [improve] Added media button to insert form shortcode in post/page edit
- [improve] Added parameter in wpuf_format_price function to allow return both (with symbol and without symbol) price format
- [improve] Replace shorthand array syntax due to php version compatibility
- [improve] Added coupon code error message in payment page
- [improve] Added apply_filters to manage page shortcode
- [improve] Modal links and link tags updated for extending
- [improve] Added function to get client IP
- [improve] Saving custom fields sanitized and switched
- [improve] Added notification settings in core
- [improve] Added meta box to public post to select post edit form for frontend
- [improve] Added delete form and form submission open checking function
- [improve] Added label type core support on form builder with CSS
- [improve] Notification added on post form template class
- [fix] Dashboard template html closing tag issue
- [fix] Radio buttons & checkbox display issue
- [fix] Paypal payment status issue
- [fix] Form edit screen not showing in Internet Explorer
- [fix] WooCommerce attribute not showing issue
- [fix] Change the form status to publish once saved on duplicating a form
- [fix] The cancel subscription button doesn't work with non-recurring subscription
- [fix] Post is not creating by Save Draft button with no post content field
- [fix] Discount amount not deducting when payment is processed with bank option
- [fix] Image/File upload field not working when JavaScript is optimized by Async JavaScript plugin
- [fix] "save draft" button not working post saving as pending, conflict with subscription
- [improve] Update vue.js and vuex.js version
- [improve] Update parent_slug parameter of add_submenu_page function to 'wp-user-frontend'
- [fix] Admin fields in form edit section reset on clicking 'Save form' button
- [new] Brand new form builder added for post form and profile form
- [new] Added payment status for pay per post
- [improve]
filter name changed towpuf_custom_field_render
- [improve] add and update price formating function
- [fix] Undefined JavaScript error when post is editing in admin
- [fix] User IP if the script is running in cli
- [fix] Date field on frontend post
- [fix] Hide subscription tab from my account page when subscription is turned off
- [fix] Plugin activation hooks
- [fix] Recaptcha refresh when validation failed
- [fix] PHP backward compatibility issue
- [new] Shortcodes supported on post notification's every field
- [fix] Conditional logic on address field
- [fix] Pricing format improvements
- [new] Currency position settings
- [fix] File upload warning
- [new] Re-design Transactions List Table
- [new] Separated Free & Pro plugin
- [fix] Draft post empty content issue
- [new] My Account Dashboard
- [new] Added a function
- [fix] Enable paynow url on dashboard if a new post is submitted as draft
- [fix] Invalid post id for editing
- [fix] Removed subscription trial cost
- [new] Showing messages when there is no form associated with an id or deleted or not published yet
- [new] Added dynamic action hooks
- [fix] User profile url on transaction's list
- [fix] Multistep form button & validations
- [fix] Replaced some raw query to builder
- [new] jQuery added on preview form
- [fix] Some undefined variables issue
- [fix] Replaced
for depreciation - [fix] Missing data when saving draft post
- [fix] Updated some textdomains
- [fix]
priv/nopriv ajax request
- [fix] Plupload string translations
- [fix] Post expiration logic updated
- [fix] Ignore google map error when the API key is not inserted
- [fix] Upload error from admin panel, nonce issue
- [fix] reCaptcha lib constructor for strict standard
- [fix] tinyMCE and textarea word limit fixed
- [fix] User profile edit warning issue fixed for PHP 7
- [fix] Tag suggestion showing -1
- [fix] Showing -1 in case of unlimited remaining post count
- [fix] Google map on a multi-step section
- [improved] Settings API v1.3 updated
- [improved] Added links to transaction packs in admin area
- [new] Post template feature added with simple post and WooCommerce form template
- [new] Added filter on text area editor args
- [new] Content restriction added on pro version
- [fix] License renewal prompt fix
[fix] Text domain and translated strings updated
[fix] Reloading the profile/registration page after deleting the avatar fixed.
[fix] Styling of delete button of form fixed.
[fix] Visibility of deleting avatar button fixed.
[new] New filters added to show meta functions
[fix] Issue with saving form in php 7 fixed.
[new] Form file uploader is now allowing uploading multiple files and removing extras with warnings.
[fix] Restoring remaining number of posts allowed to post in subscription is now working for non-admin member (Pro).
[fix] noCaptcha in registration is now working (Pro).
[new] Registration field added (Pro).
[new] Post taxonomies visibility in form builder are now dependent on the post type selected (Pro).
[fix] Registration form is now saving in php 7 (Pro).
- [fix] Paypal user agent changed and issue with paypal transection fixed
- [new] Multiple images/files can now be uploaded at a time in image and file fields
- [fix] Upload.js has been modified
- [fix] Problem with saving form element in php 7.0.0 is fixed
- [new] WooCommerce Product Category and Attributes are now sectionized
- [new] Error notice can now be translated.
- [new] Errors on filling up the form will now be visible as warning/notice below the relevant field in front end.
- [new] Meta key name in form field in form builder will now be auto populated only if the meta key field is empty
- [fix] Progress bar issue in post edit mode is fixed
- [new] Multistep registration form added
- [new] Hook added before registration form
- [fix] SSL issue fixed
- [fix] File upload vulnerability fix. Props to: Panagiotis Vagenas
- [fix] Replaced deprecated user notification function
- [fix] Email error validation in multistep
- [fix] Disabling subscription in form settings
- [fix] Product taxonomy fixes
- [new] No-captcha support added
- [fix] Custom css is now working
- [fix] Textdomain added to some text
- [fix] Visibility of address field data in the frontend is now fixed
- [tweak] A new filter has been added to get subscription meta data
- [new] A new option has been added to date field to treat it future publish date if user wants
- [new] Autologin after registration - feature added
- [new] Confirmation alert added when user wants to delete subscription in frontend
- [fix] Publish post after paypal payment completion
- [fix] Newly registered users were having no meta named "wpuf_postlock"
- [fix] Newly registered users (having no meta named "wpuf_postlock") are now having form in the frontend
- [fix] Text input field for category is now working
- [fix] Pack id warning in admin area profile
- [fix] Error in rendering map in edit mode, when having no value
- [fix] Progress bar style are set in condition
- [fix] Error undefined object post when updating user profile
- [improve] Button style in payment form
- [fix] Problem with wpuf lock post fixed.
- [fix] Problem with retyping password disability in the frontend fixed.
- [fix] Problem with password visibilty fixed.
- [fix] Redirection to subscription page from user profile fixed.
- [fix] Scripts and styles of wpuf are now loading when needed.
- [add] RTL support improvement
- [fix] Problem with conditional logic in image upload field fixed.
- [fix] Transaction log updating issue fixed.
- [fix] Email field in form with required flag is now working even if left empty.
- [fix] Data from address field in registration form is now saved and shows data in edit form .
- [new] Persian language translation added
- [fix] Problem with 'pay per post' feature fixed
- [fix] Login page bug fixed.
- [fix] Wordpress native registration page made working.
- [fix] Email validation bug fixed.
- [fix] Issue in country field fixed.
- [fix] Issue with saving taxonomy fixed.
- [fix] Problem with captcha and really simple captcha fixed.
- [fix] Problem with action hook fixed.
- [fix] Ajax taxonomy field bug fixed.
- [fix] Featured image caption was not being updated
- [fix] Post status settings in form, wasn't being updated.
- [fix] Featured image upload fix
- [new] Image upload field brought back to free
- [fix] Compatibility problem with PHP < 5.2. Accidental PHP array shorthand used.
- Pro plugin released as free with less features
- [improve] post thumbnail image association added
- [improve] various form styles updated
- [fix] teeny textarea buttons fix
- [fix] Dashboard show post type settings won't effect
- [fix] zxcvbn is not defined in edit profile
- [fix] Two click needed to submit a post
- [fix] dashboard author bio height fix
- [fix]
typo fix - [fix] clean $dashboard_query from corrupting beyond use
- [fix] PayPal payment user_id issue fixed
- [fix] Plupload
o is null
error fix - [fix] PHP 5.4 strict warnings fix
- [update] new version of settings api class
- [fix]
brought back again by renaming aswpuf_has_shortcode()
- [fix] all the labels now have a default text
- [fix] shortcode error fix for edit users
- [fix] plugin css/js url
- [fix] removed has_shortcode() call
- [fix] Performance problem with wp_list_users()
- [fix] Subscription post publish
- [fix] Post delete fix in dashboard
- [fix] Silverlight in IE upload error
- [fix] Category checklist bug fix
- [new] Checkbox field in custom field
- warning for multisite fix
- allow category bug fix
- fix ajaxurl in ajaxified category
- custom post type dropdown fix in admin
- post date bug fix
- category dropdown fix
- Admin panel converted to settings API
- Ajax featured Image uploader added (using plupload)
- Ajax attachment uploader added (using plupload)
- Rich/full/normal text editor mode
- Editor button fix on twentyelven theme
- Massive Code rewrite and cleanup
- Dashboard replaced with WordPress loop
- Output buffering added for header already sent warning
- Redirect user on deleting a post
- Category checklist added
- Post publish date fix and post expirator changed from hours to day
- Subscription and payment rewrite. Extra payment gateways can be added as plugin
- Other payment currency added
- admin ui improved
- updated new post notification mail template
- custom fields and attachment show/hide in posts
- post edit link override option
- ajax "posting..." changed
- attachment fields restriction in edit page
- localized ajaxurl and posting message
- improved action hooks and filter hooks
- fixed error on attachment delete
- added styles on dashboard too
- fixed custom field default dropdown
- fixed output buffering for add_post/edit_post/dashboard/profile pages
- admin panel scripts are added wp_enqueue_script instead of echo
- fixed admin panel block logic
- filter hook added on edit post for post args
- filters on add posting page for blocking the post capa
- subscription pack id added on user meta upon purchase
- filters on add posting page for blocking the post capa
- option for force pack purchase on add post. dropdown p
- subscription info on profile edit page
- post direction fix after payment
- filter added on form builder
- missing custom meta field added on edit post form
- jQuery validation added on edit post form
- rich/plain text on/off fixed
- ajax chained category added on add post form
- missing action added on edit post form
- stripslashes on admin/frontend meta field
- 404 error fix on add post
- Admin settings page has been improved
- Header already sent warning messages has been fixed
- Now you can add custom post meta from the settings page
- A new pay per post and subscription based posting options has been introduced (Only paypal is supported now)
- You can upload attachment with post
- WYSIWYG editor has been added
- You can add and manage your users from frontend now (only having the capability to edit_users )
- Some action and filters has been added for developers to add their custom form elements and validation
- Pagination added in post dashboard
- You can use the form to accept "custom post type" posts. e.g: [wpuf_addpost post_type="event"]. It also applies for showing post on dashboard like "[wpuf_dashboard post_type="event"]"
- Changing the form labels of the add post form is now possible from admin panel.
- The edit post page setting is changed from URL to page select dropdown.
- You can lock certain users from posting from their edit profile page.
- It's a massive update and change from the previous version 1.3.2. Please do test in your site and main compatibility.