Javascript error in campaignCatcher.js #1147 Loading animation remains forever if there are no lists in the account after placing API Key #1136 Serializer error when Magento is compiled. #1116 Missing getWebhooks() function on Lib. #1115 Error in Cron error while executing mailchimp_clear_ecommerce_data #1112 Fix incorrect class declaration in function setEcommerceSyncDataItemValues #1103 Changed Add explanation on warning when clicking Resend and Reset buttons with what scope will be deleted. #1142 Refactor collection filters to avoid doing joins, where, etc outside resources. #1119 Allow translation of texts on app/code/community/Ebizmarts/MailChimp/controllers/CartController.php #1118 Add Customer Interest Groups update based on webhook #1111 Add Customer data update based on map fields in webhook #1110 Add Mailchimp configuration link at Newsletter -> Mailchimp menu #1107 Log the product id if is not supported by Mailchimp #1101 Exceptions not treated properly. #1098 Unnecessary function call: getProductResourceModel() #1094 Mysql4 classes are obsolete for M1.6+ #1089 Unify error logging methods. #1065 Unify Ecommerce Items Classes #1064 Create option in backend adminhtml to subsribe customers #450
You can’t perform that action at this time.