This is my current VIM setup. It's composed by a bunch of plugins, some mappings, colors, fonts and specific VIM settings.
This setup is very Python/reStructured Text centric, since those are the main languages I use, but it can be easily adapted to other languages. There are some small settings for C and HTML.
Any issue or feedback must be provided through the issues page
Feel free to use, adapt, correct and evolve it.
To test this setup, backup you .vim
folder and .vimrc
$ cd ~/
$ VIMBKP=~/.vimbkp-`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`
$ mkdir $VIMBKP
$ mv ~/.vim $VIMBKP/
$ mv ~/.vimrc $VIMBKP/
Optionally, backup your .viminfo
and .vimtags
$ mv ~/.viminfo $VIMBKP/
$ mv ~/.vimtags $VIMBKP/
After that, simply clone this repository and run make deploy
$ git clone ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim && make deploy