Padamini is a set of components that can be used/reused to create admin user interface. They are grouped by type on separate pages. Among the components are:
- listings (including grid/gallery view),
- drag and drop support on listings,
- forms (with validation states, field types, hints),
- flash messages,
- primary navigation (suitable for simple and complex menu),
- confirmation modals,
- login page,
so basically everything that is needed to create a complete CMS dashboard for small and medium-sized websites.
Markup is written in HTML5 with attention to semantics. CSS styles are constructed on the basis of OOCSS to allow each component to be reused and extended.
Pages was tested on latest versions of Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 8+.
Padamini contains Frontline to separate and reuse common parts like header and footer (more info in its readme). It can be easily removed by deleting /frontline directory and .htaccess file.