- Laravel 5.5.x
- Back-End
- Dashboard.
- Role management
- User management
- Front-end
- User Login
- User Registration
- User Activation
- User Forgot Password
- User Change Password
- Packages included:
- Sentinel
- AdminLTE-2.4.3
- Datatables Bundle
PHP >= 7.0.0
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
- Step 1: Get the code
- Step 2: Use Composer to install dependencies
- Step 3: Create database
- Step 4: Install
- Step 5: Start Page
OR Clone this repository:
Extract it in www(or htdocs if you using XAMPP or MAMP) folder and put it for example in sentinel-example folder.
Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. First, download a copy of the composer.phar. Once you have the PHAR archive, you can either keep it in your local project directory or move to usr/local/bin to use it globally on your system. On Windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer. Open terminal and go to the project foleder Then run:
composer dump-autoload
composer install --no-scripts
If you finished first three steps, now you can create database on your database server(MySQL). You must create database with utf-8 collation(uft8_general_ci), to install and application work perfectly. Just go to the phpmyadmin and create the new database After that, copy .env.example and rename it as .env and put connection and change default database connection name, only database connection, put name database, database username and password.
Now that you have the environment configured, you need to create a database configuration for it. For create database tables use this command:
php artisan migrate
And to initial populate database use this:
php artisan db:seed
If you install on your localhost in folder sentinel-example, you can type on web browser:
OR Run the command " php artisan serve ", and open on the browser the url you get in console :):
You can now login to admin part of Laravel Framework 5.5 Site
php artisan key:generate
composer dump-autoload --optimize
php artisan dump-autoload
If you don't have smtp access, you can comment the code in AuthController in line 128 and 229, and uncomment line 133 and line 234
The package doesn't come with any screens out of the box, you should build that yourself. To get started check out this demo link
Email : [email protected]
Password : password
This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license
Inspired by Laravel 5.5 and based on: AdminLTE Dashboard Sentinel Authentication Laravel Datatables laravel-sentinel-crud-starter