Nano S, Point Release 3
This is a major feature release - v1.6.3 "Nano S" with support for the hardware wallet Ledger Nano S.
Warning: Uninstalling the app will render your wallet files useless unless you have noted the "Restore Password"!
Checkout the article How Monerujo’s CrAzYpass (crazy secure password scheme) works
Read the article How to use Monerujo with the Ledger Nano S.
Also available on
Changes since 1.5.10
- Update monero core to v0.12.3.0
- Ledger Nano S support over OTG
- NFC Support for Receive & Send (like QR Code)
- Minor bug fixes
- New translations: Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Swedish
- Select App Language
- Restoreheight can now be entered as YYYYMMDD as not all numeric keyboards allow hyphens
- @anhdres
- @Baltsar
- @0140454
- @Gelesztaa
- @AlexUnderHood
- @el00ruobuob
- @erciccione
- @Gelesztaa
- @gerasimos7777
- @Leza89
- @noooxxi
- @ordtrogen
- @rehrar
- @rodolfo912
- @uiharu-s
- @v1docq47
Download Hash
If you would like to verify that you have downloaded the correct file, please use the following SHA256 hash:
- monerujo-1x6x3_universal.apk 6057b90ba4ee41e63a618ba41cbaae10e9785b44a5cd88378be40f46018b25f2
certUtil -hashfile monerujo-*.apk SHA256
sha256sum monerujo-*.apk
APK Signature
The APK signature can be verified using the apksigner bundled with the Android SDK by locating and
executing apksigner verify --print-certs monerujo-*.apk
with the following output:
Signer #1 certificate DN: CN=m2049r
Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest: 967ca1930c19f383a43729a059cd21727855f78cd5e0d9882f780189fe1d8cf1
Signer #1 certificate SHA-1 digest: f5fa1e5262a286c3ca4297ac9e4d71c4dbc744e2
Signer #1 certificate MD5 digest: 3c45c5bb009a0c33dc07770e2b5d5496
- Address: 4AdkPJoxn7JCvAby9szgnt93MSEwdnxdhaASxbTBm6x5dCwmsDep2UYN4FhStDn5i11nsJbpU7oj59ahg8gXb1Mg3viqCuk
- Viewkey: b1aff2a12191723da0afbe75516f94dd8b068215f6e847d8da57aca5f1f98e0c