In Nand2Tetris course you build a computer named Hack from the bottom to the top. From a nand logic gate to a operating system, passing by an assembler and a compiler working in a VM. I took this course focusing in the software development (assembler, two-tier compiler and os).
In this project, there are two exercices (Mult and Fill). To pass the first one, it necessary to implement a loop because there is no multiplier command implemented in the ALU. So, it is possible to replace multiplication by an addition. In the loop, it need to adds up R0 many times as R1. Example: R0=7 and R1=5, so R2=R0+R0+R0+R0+R0.
The objective of this project is to develop an assembler that translate asm file into hack file based on the machine specification.
In this project we build a basic VM translator that will be extended in project 8.