2020 Simulation Greenfoot Project for ICS4U
By Young Chen, Leo Foo, Lucy Zhao
This project simulates the survival of a group of humans in a post-apocalyptic world. In this simulation, the humans will gather resources to keep themselves alive from starvation, destruction from a tornado and any zombies that approach. Humans will also create structures in order to increase their chances of survival.
The project also features a moveable camera, as well as the ability to set the number of starting humans.
More details about our simulation can be found in the poster.pdf file.
First, download Greenfoot. Then, download/clone the repository and either open the project.greenfoot file in HumanSurvivalSim/ or open the scenario with Greenfoot. Alternatively, just download and run the .gfar file.
- Programmers: Young Chen, Lucy Zhao, Leo Foo
- StatBar Class: Mr. Cohen
- Graphics/Sprites: Lucy Zhao, Young Chen
- Background: Daniel Stephens (opengameart.org)
- Music/Audio: (freesound.org)
- Background Music: Main Menu, Simulation and EndScreen
- Sound Effects: Button, Building Destruction, Zombie One, Zombie Two, Human Hurt, Building, Mining, Chopping, Sentry Fire