Include memory in benchmarks, as we asll MemoryPool results #2360
on: push
Matrix: build-and-publish
Matrix: fast-tests
Matrix: long-running-tests
Matrix: make-build
Matrix: other-tests
Matrix: perft-tests
Matrix: winning-at-chess
10 errors and 6 warnings
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("r3r1k1/pp1q1pp1/4b1p1/3p2B1/3Q1R2/8/PPP3PP/4R1K1 w - - ":
id WAC.055 depth 16 seldepth 16 nodes 635545
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 4 but was 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Qxg7"
But was: "Rf1"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("2kr3r/pp1q1ppp/5n2/1Nb5/2Pp1B2/7Q/P4PPP/1R3RK1 w - - ":
id WAC.071 depth 16 seldepth 16 nodes 500524
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 4 but was 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Nxa7"
But was: "Qf3"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("8/p3k1p1/4r3/2ppNpp1/PP1P4/2P3KP/5P2/8 b - - ":
id WAC.087 depth 23 seldepth 23 nodes 1218409
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
String lengths are both 4. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Rxe5"
But was: "cxb4"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("r4rk1/1p2ppbp/p2pbnp1/q7/3BPPP1/2N2B2/PPP4P/R2Q1RK1 b - - ":
id WAC.092 depth 15 seldepth 15 nodes 1220145
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 4 but was 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Bxg4"
But was: "Rc8"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("4r1k1/p1qr1p2/2pb1Bp1/1p5p/3P1n1R/1B3P2/PP3PK1/2Q4R w - - ":
id WAC.141 depth 16 seldepth 16 nodes 148670
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 4 but was 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Qxf4"
But was: "Kf1"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("5rk1/2p4p/2p4r/3P4/4p1b1/1Q2NqPp/PP3P1K/R4R2 b - - ":
id WAC.163 depth 17 seldepth 17 nodes 2227173
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 3 but was 4. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Qg2"
But was: "cxd5"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("rr4k1/p1pq2pp/Q1n1pn2/2bpp3/4P3/2PP1NN1/PP3PPP/R1B1K2R b KQ - ":
id WAC.196 depth 17 seldepth 17 nodes 1646563
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
String lengths are both 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Nb4"
But was: "Rb6"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("2rqrn1k/pb4pp/1p2pp2/n2P4/2P3N1/P2B2Q1/1B3PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - ":
id WAC.200 depth 15 seldepth 15 nodes 681990
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 4 but was 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Bxf6"
But was: "Qf3"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("3r1bk1/ppq3pp/2p5/2P2Q1B/8/1P4P1/P6P/5RK1 w - - ":
id WAC.208 depth 16 seldepth 16 nodes 2354301
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
Expected string length 3 but was 2. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Bf7"
But was: "b4"
WinningAtChess_FixedTime("3r1rk1/pp1q1ppp/3pn3/2pN4/5PP1/P5PQ/1PP1B3/1K1R4 w - - ":
id WAC.210 depth 17 seldepth 17 nodes 1255790
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected))
String lengths are both 3. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "Rh1"
But was: "Bb5"
perft-tests (macOS-latest, Perft)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
perft-tests (macOS-latest, Perft)
Back off 29.829 seconds before retry.
fast-tests (Debug, macOS-latest)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
fast-tests (Debug, macOS-latest)
Back off 17.569 seconds before retry.
fast-tests (Release, macOS-latest)
Failed to download action ''. Error: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
fast-tests (Release, macOS-latest)
Back off 22.782 seconds before retry.