Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd new-tool
Install the dependencies:
npm install
This Project uses ESLint for linting.
To see the config used for this project have a look at eslint.config.mjs
npm run lint
This Project adheres to a standardized Coding Style that is implemented via Prettier.
To see the config used for this project have a look at .prettierrc.yaml
npm run format
To build the project, run exactly in this order:
npm run build:erm-moddle
npm run build:erm-js
npm run build:build-check
For now tests are only implemented in the two Libraries erm-moddle and erm-js.
npm run test:erm-moddle
npm run test:erm-js
Given you completed all build steps successfully you can finally start the build-check app and see "erm-moddle" and "erm-js" in action.
npm run start:build-check
After running this command you can open the build-check via localhost:8080 in any modern webbrowser of your choosing.
With Ctrl+C the dev server can be gracefully shut down.