(Gps) track map visualisation plugin
Grafana map plugin that allows you to draw tracks on Leaflet-based map on Geohash data from your Grafana backend database.
Selected time is shown on the map as you move mouse over other graphs. You can shift-drag select on the map to zoom in in time.
The coordinates must be stored as Geohash strings in the database. I have used the plugin with InfluxDb with a query like
SELECT mean("navigationSpeedOverGround") as "value",first("navigationPosition") as geohash
FROM "signalk" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval) fill(null)
You have to manually install this under Grafanan plugins directory (/var/lib/grafana/plugins/) and build it with
npm install
npm install -g grunt
The first command installs the needed dependencies, second installs grunt
build tool and third runs the build.