A kernel module that hook some of your system call on your Android Device by rewriting syscall table.
- pixel 1
- android-8.1.0_r1 == OPM1.171019.011
- Root Access
- Set CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA to false so you are allowable to rewrite the syscall table.
- I personly recommend you use Kali Linux as I do, since it look way damn good than Ubuntu
- Change Directory to your kernel(suppose you kernel folder is located like this ~/aosp810r1/kernel/msm/), then use the following command below. Wrap them inside a script if you prefer.
- export ARCH=arm64 &&
- export PATH=~/aosp810r1/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin:$PATH &&
- export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-android- &&
- make menuconfig
- A Gui based menu will pop up on you screen.
- I recommend you use the following setings as I do.
- You might ask how to find each of these settings? Tab / , and you shall see a search bar upcoming. Copy it, paste it, and find it.
- Once you finish your editing, run make command again which would create a kernel Image and then flash it to your device.
- Like this:
- Check if your kernel is modified.
- Excellent, I suppose you have reconfigured your kernel already. We can finally launch our missile~
- First of all, let take a little adjustment on your Makefile
- Reset your sys_call_table address by reading /proc/kallsyms, if it shows 0 to you. [echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict] should reveal their true address instead of 0.
- Run make to compile the code. Which it should create a file that ends with .ko, that's your kernel module.
- push kernel module to a certain directory at your phone.
- Initialize your module immediately by using [insmod xxxx.ko]
- Starting monitoring your log from kernel by using [dmesg -w | grep "myLog"]
- Enjoy your pleasure.
- Collecting