ProboscisKit is a lightweight Mastodon swift package.
A derivative is used in Bubble
ProboscisKit is fully working, the only missing part is the documentation. Soon to be released...
To start using ProboscisKit, you will have to import it using Xcode's Swift Package Manager, by going in File > Add Package Dependencies...
Then, you can simply paste the GitHub link into the search bar at the top right of the window, and then click on Copy Dependency.
Once this is done, congrats! You successfully added ProboscisKit to your project.
To know if a certain URL is a real Mastodon instance or not, you will need to do the following
func isInstance(_ url: URL) async -> Bool {
let client: Client = .init(server: url)
do {
let instance: Instance = try await client.get(endpoint: Instances.instance)
return true // If the URL wasn't a Mastodon instance, it would throw an error
} catch {
print("\(instanceUrl) Error: \(error)") // It's always good to keep a error log here
return false