This application is responsible for storing and streaming heavy-duty gas turbine sensor's data. Measurements are generated randomly and stored into capped collection in MongoDB. Database's collections provide tailable cursors to allow continuous data streaming via Spring Data JPA reactive repositories. MongoDB is established using docker-compose.yml. Sensor's data can be streamed to the client using Server-Sent Events.
Run "docker-compose up" inside docker catalog. You don't even need to clone this repository. Docker-compose is everything that is required.
User can start the asynchronous database filling process emulating sensor's data gathering by triggering the following endpoint:
- localhost:8081/fill
Data is sampled within time intervals defined in application.yml. To stop this process, use:
- localhost:8081/stopfill
This will dispose the streaming process.
To obtain sensors data, use the following endpoints:
- localhost:8081/measurements/{collection_name},
where {collection_name} should be replaced with one of the following:
- aft_bmt
- compressor_efficiency
- forward_bmt
- generator_vibrations
- turbine_efficiency
- turbine_vibrations
If the database fill process is running, data should be streamed from MongoDB thanks to tailable cursors and Server-Sent Events
Testcontainers framework was used to provide mongoDB Docker container for the purpose of integration testing.
CI has been established using CircleCI. Creating an Docker image out of the Springboot app and pushing it to Docker-Hub has been integrated into CI cycle.
- Spring Boot 2.0
- Spring Webflux
- Project Reactor
- SpockFramework
- Testcontainers
- MongoDB with tailable cursors
- Java 1.8
- Server-Sent Events
- Docker / Docker Compose
- Gradle
- CircleCI
- JaCoCo