- The app allows you to add your favorite anime to your watch list and sends you real-time notifications when new episodes are released. Additionally, offers a built-in calendar, showing all the broadcast dates and times for the anime you're watching.
- The system imports the animes, genres, images, etc. from the current season via an API and persists in the database.
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/luiz-moura/anime-schedule.git
- Create .env
cp .env.example .env
- Start the server in background
docker-compose up -d
- Create aliases for sail bash path
alias sail='[ -f sail ] && bash sail || bash vendor/bin/sail'
- Generate key
sail artisan key:generate
- Install composer dependencies
sail composer install
- Install NPM dependencies
sail npm install && sail npm run dev
- Project listen in port http://localhost:80
Create tables
php artisan migrate:fresh
The DDD was implemented based on the article written by Brent on October 17, 2019 - Domain-oriented Laravel . The following patterns were also used: repository pattern, actions and use cases, data transfer objects.
└ Application
├── Providers
└ Domains
├── Domain
│ └── Actions
│ └── UseCases
│ └── DTOs
│ └── Contracts
│ └── Enums
│ └── Exceptions
└ Infrastructure
│ └── Persistence
│ └── Storage
│ └── Integration
└ Interfaces
│ └── Console
│ └── Http
Start queue
sail queue:work
Stop the server
sail stop
All commands sail
sail help
sail test
Run commands with sail
sail artisan command:name
Command | Description |
app:import-animes |
Search animes airing from the api and register them in the database |
app:notify-members |
Notifies members that the anime will be broadcast |