This is a simple cards deck manager experiment build with elixir, it allows to:
- Create a deck
- Shuffle the cards
- Split the cards (deal)
- Check if contains a given card
- Save the deck into a file
- Load the deck from a saved file
First clone this repo:
git clone [email protected]:lucasdavila/cards.git
Then install the deps:
mix deps.get
You can run the tests with:
$ mix test
- You can generate the documentation with ex_doc:
$ mix docs
- Then you can check it:
$ open doc/index.html
Open the iex console loading the project:
$ iex -S mix
call the functions:
# create a deck deck = Cards.create_deck # shuffle the cards deck = Cards.shuffle(deck) # split the cards {hand, rest} =, 7) # check if a hand contains a given card Cards.contains?(hand, "Four of Diamonds") # save a given deck on decks/deck_1.deck, 'deck_1') # load a given deck from decks/deck_1.deck deck = Cards.load('deck_1')