Messages Widget for Smashing
Smashing widget that displays messages from other widgets. Out of the box it works with the Veeam Widget and the Nagios XI Widget
Create a messages
folder in your /widgets
directory and clone this repository inside it.
messages for this dashboard are HTML string with the following format:
<p class='single-message-header'><i class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'></i><span>Your message here</span></p>
<p class='single-message-body'>you can add details here, this bit is optional</p>
the icons available in this version are:
- fa-exclamation-circle => red colored circle, used for important messages that need immediate attention
- fa-exclamation-triangle => yellow attention triangle, used for warnings that need attention but are less critical
- fa-question => grey color question mark, used for "unknown" messages
- fa-info-circle => blue color, used for general messages
Distributed under the MIT license