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Add CDFS detection plotting script
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taranu committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent bb78f59 commit a200724
Showing 1 changed file with 249 additions and 0 deletions.
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions bin.src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
# Load a patch of LSST data from the CDFS tract, then make diagnostic plots
# for detection and deblending. Compare to HST if there is overlap, and
# show DES DECaLS detections if available.

from collections import defaultdict
import math

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D
from astropy.visualization import make_lupton_rgb
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import astropy.units as u
import lsst.afw.image
import lsst.daf.butler as dafButler
from lsst.daf.butler.formatters.parquet import arrow_to_astropy, pq
from lsst.geom import SpherePoint, degrees, Point2D, Extent2I
from lsst.multiprofit.plotting.reference_data import bands_weights_lsst
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

mpl.rcParams.update({"image.origin": "lower", "font.size": 13, "figure.figsize": (18, 18)})

def calibrate_exposure(exposure: lsst.afw.image.Exposure) -> lsst.afw.image.MaskedImageF:
calib = exposure.getPhotoCalib()
image = calib.calibrateImage(
lsst.afw.image.MaskedImageF(exposure.image, mask=exposure.mask, variance=exposure.variance)
return image

tract = 5063
patch = 5
radec = 53.06700454971479, -28.221957930172174
cutout_asec = 120, 120

scale_lsst = 0.2
scale_hst = 0.03

cen_cutout = SpherePoint(radec[0], radec[1], degrees)
extent_cutout = Extent2I(cutout_asec[0] / scale_lsst, cutout_asec[1] / scale_lsst)

# There's a little bit of data in 26, 36, 46, but not much
# 24, 25, 34, 35 are the only ones with > 90% coverage in at least one band
# 34 appears to have full coverage in at least one band
get_hst = patch in (
23, 24, 25,
33, 34, 35,
34, 44, 45,

name_skymap = "lsst_cells_v1"
butler = dafButler.Butler("/repo/embargo")
skymap = butler.get("skyMap", skymap=name_skymap, collections="skymaps")
tractInfo = skymap[tract]
collections = (

bands_hst_lsst = {
"F435W": ("g",),
"F606W": ("r",),
"F775W": ("i",),
"F814W": ("i", "z"),

path_cdfs_hst = "/sdf/data/rubin/user/dtaranu/tickets/cdfs/"

patchInfo = tractInfo[patch]
bbox_outer = patchInfo.outer_bbox

(ra_begin, dec_begin), (ra_end, dec_end) = (
(radec[0] + cutout_asec[0]/2.0, radec[0] - cutout_asec[0]/2.0),
(radec[1] - cutout_asec[1]/2.0, radec[1] + cutout_asec[1]/2.0),

cutouts_hst = {}
cutouts_lsst = defaultdict(dict)

def get_cutout_lsst(butler, cen_cutout, extent_cutout, **kwargs):
coadd = butler.get("deepCoadd_calexp", **kwargs)
cutout = calibrate_exposure(coadd.getCutout(cen_cutout, extent_cutout))
return cutout

for band_hst, bands_lsst in bands_hst_lsst.items():
if get_hst:
img_cdfs =
wcs_cdfs = WCS(img_cdfs[0])

coadd_hst = Cutout2D(
position=SkyCoord(radec[0]*, radec[1]*,
) *= 10**(((u.nJy).to(u.ABmag) - img_cdfs[0].header["ZEROPNT"])/2.5)
cutouts_hst[band_hst] = coadd_hst

for collection in collections:
for band in bands_lsst:
if band not in cutouts_lsst:
cutouts_lsst[collection][band] = get_cutout_lsst(
butler, cen_cutout, extent_cutout,
tract=tract, patch=patch, band=band, skymap=name_skymap, collections=collection,

weight_mean = np.mean([bands_weights_lsst[band] for band in cutouts_lsst[collections[0]]])
for band in cutouts_lsst[collections[0]]:
bands_weights_lsst[band] /= weight_mean
abs_mag_hst = {
"F435W": 5.35,
"F606W": 4.72,
"F775W": 4.52,
"F814W": 4.52,
weights_hst = 1/(, [abs_mag_hst[band] for band in cutouts_hst]))
weights_hst_mean = np.mean(weights_hst)
bands_weights_hst = {
band: weight_hst/weights_hst_mean for band, weight_hst in zip(cutouts_hst, weights_hst)
kwargs_lup = dict(minimum=-1, Q=8, stretch=16)
kwargs_lup_hst = dict(minimum=-0.3, Q=8, stretch=4)

if get_hst:
img_rgb_hst = make_lupton_rgb(
for band in ("F775W", "F606W", "F435W")],

load_decals = False
if load_decals:
cat_decals = arrow_to_astropy(pq.read_table(

bands_rgb_lsst = ("i", "r", "g")
bands_sn_lsst = ("u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y")
for band in bands_sn_lsst:
if band not in cutouts_lsst:
for collection in collections:
cutouts_lsst[collection][band] = get_cutout_lsst(
butler, cen_cutout, extent_cutout,
tract=tract, patch=patch, band=band, skymap=name_skymap, collections=collection,

def is_schema_item_deblend(schema_item):
name = schema_item.field.getName()
return "deblend" in name and ("error" not in name) and ("modelType" not in name)

nrows, ncols = 1 + get_hst, len(collections)
fig_rgb, ax_rgb = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(12 * ncols, 12 * nrows))
fig_sn, ax_sn = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(12 * ncols, 12 * nrows))

for idx, (collection, cutouts_lsst_coll) in enumerate(cutouts_lsst.items()):
objects = butler.get(
"objectTable_tract", skymap=name_skymap, tract=tract, storageClass="ArrowAstropy",
parameters={"columns": ("objectId", "patch", "coord_ra", "coord_dec", "x", "y", "detect_isPrimary")}
objects_patch = objects[objects["patch"] == patch]
x, y = (objects_patch[c] for c in ("x", "y"))
bbox = cutouts_lsst_coll["r"].getBBox()
x_begin, y_begin = bbox.getBegin()
x_end, y_end = bbox.getEnd()
extent = [x_begin, x_end, y_begin, y_end]
good = objects_patch["detect_isPrimary"] & (x > x_begin) & (x < x_end) & (y > y_begin) & (y < y_end)
img_rgb_lsst = make_lupton_rgb(
*[cutouts_lsst_coll[band].image.array * bands_weights_lsst[band] for band in bands_rgb_lsst],
name_short = collection.split("/")[3]
axis = ax_rgb[idx][0] if get_hst else ax_rgb[idx]
axis.imshow(img_rgb_lsst, extent=extent)
axis.scatter(x[good], y[good], c='c', marker='+', label="primary", s=120)
axis.set_title(f"{tract=}, {patch=}, {','.join(bands_rgb_lsst)} {name_short} n_primary={np.sum(good)}")
if get_hst:

mergeDet = butler.get(
"deepCoadd_mergeDet", skymap=name_skymap, tract=tract, patch=patch, collections=collection,
n_peaks = np.sum([len(det.getFootprint().getPeaks()) for det in mergeDet])
idx_peak = 0
x_peaks = np.empty(n_peaks, dtype=int)
y_peaks = np.empty(n_peaks, dtype=int)
for det in mergeDet:
peaks = det.getFootprint().getPeaks()
n_peaks = len(peaks)
x_peaks[idx_peak:idx_peak + n_peaks] = peaks["i_x"]
y_peaks[idx_peak:idx_peak + n_peaks] = peaks["i_y"]
idx_peak += n_peaks
good_peaks = (x_peaks > x_begin) & (x_peaks < x_end) & (y_peaks > y_begin) & (y_peaks < y_end)
x_peaks[good_peaks], y_peaks[good_peaks],
edgecolor='c', marker='o', label="peaks", s=100, facecolor="None",

meas = butler.get(
"deepCoadd_meas", tract=tract, patch=patch, band=band, skymap=name_skymap,
x_meas, y_meas = (meas[f"slot_Centroid_{c}"] for c in ("x", "y"))
good_meas = (x_meas > x_begin) & (x_meas < x_end) & (y_meas > y_begin) & (y_meas < y_end)

print(f"{collection=} n_within={np.sum(good_meas)}\ncolumn, min, max, sum\n")
cols_blend = [x.field.getName() for x in meas.getSchema() if is_schema_item_deblend(x)]
for col in cols_blend:
np.nanmin(meas[good_meas][col]), np.nanmax(meas[good_meas][col]),

img_sn = np.sum([cutouts_lsst_coll[band].image.array for band in bands_sn_lsst], axis=0)
img_sn /= np.sqrt(np.sum([cutouts_lsst_coll[band].variance.array for band in bands_sn_lsst], axis=0))
axis = ax_sn[idx][0] if get_hst else ax_sn[idx]
axis.imshow(np.clip(img_sn*(img_sn > 3), 0, 8), extent=extent, cmap="gray")
f"{tract=}, {patch=}, {','.join(bands_sn_lsst)} S/N*(S/N >= 3) clip(0, 8) {name_short}"
f" n_primary={np.sum(good)}"
axis.scatter(x[good], y[good], c='c', marker='+', label="primary", s=120)
x_peaks[good_peaks], y_peaks[good_peaks],
edgecolor='c', marker='o', label="peaks", s=100, facecolor="None",

for fig in fig_rgb, fig_sn:

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