- At main menu, choose Check out from Version Control and use this project url.
- Add JDK 1.7 as the SDK.
- Compile the project and run the tests - you'll see errors about Junit not being there.
- Option enter on an @Test annotation in a test class and choose add Junit to your path. (Alternatively: go to File > Project Structure and dig through your IntelliJ dependencies to find junit-4.11.jar, junit.jar, and hamcrest-core*.jar... more annoying)
- Rerun the tests... they should work now. If not, just go through the errors. It will be mostly about importing classes.
- Right click in project area on left side, choose Import, and Git > Projects from Git.
- Clone URI from Github.
- Right click on project > Build path > Configure build path.
- On right side of Java Build Path window, choose Add Library and add JUnit.
- Run the tests... they should work.