Content presented in summer school on Machine Learning at IIIT Hyderabad from 09 - 15 July, 2017.
- Practice session on Python Basics, Intro. to Machine Learning and Pytorch basics
- Introduction to ML, Deep Learning, and Optimization by Prof. C.V. Jawahar (IIIT-H)
- Optimization and practical issues in Deep Learning by Prof. Vineeth Balasubramanian (IIT-H)
- Backpropagation, Gradient Descent and its challenges
- Algorithmic approaches for handling error surfaces (batch GD, stochastic GD, Mini batch SGD)
- Methods to improve SGD - Momentum, Nestrov Accelerated Momentum
- Learning rate (Adagrad, RMSprop, Adam, ...)
- Advanced Optimization methods (Newton, Quasi-Newton, Conjugate Gradient, Hessian free optimization, Natural Gradient)
- Regularization (Dropout)
- Batch Normalization
- Activation Functions
- Recurrent Neural networks by Prof Girish (IIIT-H) and Mr. Ankush Gupta (Ph.D. Student Uni. of Oxford)
- Introduction to Game theory by Prof. Sujit Prakash (IIIT-H)
- Generative adverserial networks - I, II by Prof. Vinay Namboodiri (IIT Kanpur)
- Variational Inference and Auto Encoders by Prof. Kaushik Mitra (IIT Madras)
- Variational auto encoders by prof. Vineeth Balasubramanian (IIT Hyd.)
- DARVIZ demonstration by Anush Sanakaran (IBM Bangalore)
- Reinforcement Learning by Prof. Ravindran Balaraman (IIT Madras)
- Deep Reinforcement Learning by Dr. Tejas Kulkarni (Google Deep Mind, London)
- Deep Learning for Language Processing by prof. Mithesh Khapra (IIT Madras)
- Model Compression by Prof. Girish Varma (IIIT Hyderabad)