A node cli app to turn on-off and set the temperature on your air conditioner through this IR Remote: https://it.gearbest.com/smart-remote-control/pp_009635988564.html
- The IR Remote :-)
- Node.js
- an account connected to your IR Remote through Tuya app and a developer account (see the readme)
Create a Developer Account
- go to https://iot.tuya.com
- follow this guide to create the app and obtain params: https://docs.tuya.com/en/iot/open-api/quick-start/quick-start1?id=K95ztz9u9t89n
Install dependencies and config
- npm install
- cp config.js.example config.js
- insert parameters obtained from the "Create Developer Account" step in config.js
- execute it with
node tuya.js 1 0 22 3
- the parameters are the following:
- Power - 0: off, 1:on
- Mode - 0: cooling, 1: heating, 2: automatic, 3: air supply, 4: dehumidification
- Temperature - range 16-31
- Wind - 0: automatic, 1: low, 2: medium, 3: high
- execute it with