This is an offline first recipe android app. Lists different recipes from the MealDB API. One can document their daily meals in the app and use AI to generate meal suggestions.
Home Screen | Recipes Screen | Recipe Detail Screen |
Document Screen | Generative Screen | Chat Screen |
Chat History | Search Screen | Bookmark Screen |
Account Screen | ||
The app uses these technologies;
- Kotlin - App is built with the language.
- Jetpack compose - Ui uses compose with material3
- Jetpack components;
- Datastore - for data persistence in the app.
- Room - for storing schedules.
- worker - for managing app data.
- navigation component
- Coroutines - Used to make asynchronous calls.
- Splash screen Api - For creating a splash screen on app starting.
- RichEditorCompose - Library to display different text formats.
- Retrofit - For networking.
- Koin - A lightweight dependency injection framework.
- GeminiAI
- Coil - For loading Images
- Firebase - For authentication, storage
- Sync with firestore for meal documents.
- Improve on meal documentation.
Setup your own firebase and provide google-services.json
- Add these variables to your file.
geminiApiKey= ## retrieve this from google gemini
serverID= ## retrieve OAuth ClientID from your google console follow the link and replace projectname link= ` ##projectname`
Make sure to run this lint check before pushing
./gradlew ktlintFormat && ./gradlew ktlintCheck && ./gradlew detekt
If the app has any bug. Please make contact below or open an issue