Features • Prerequisites • Installation • Deployment • Configuration • Usage
A dynamic GitHub status updater that displays your real-time coding activity using WakaTime data. Watch your GitHub profile come alive with your coding journey! ✨
root((GitHub Dynamic Status))
Real-time Tracking
Coding Activity
Project Updates
Status Display
Progress Bar
Time Tracking
Language Stats
Advanced Features
Rate Limiting
Error Handling
Netlify Integration
Automated Updates
Cron Scheduling
- 🔄 Real-time coding activity tracking
- 🎯 Automatic GitHub status updates
- 📊 Progress bar with daily coding goals
- 💻 Most used programming language display
- ⚙️ Configurable update intervals
- 🎨 Animated status icons
- 🛡️ Rate limiting protection
- 🔧 Error handling with retry mechanism
- 🌐 Easy deployment to Netlify
- ⏰ Automated updates via cron-job.org
Node.js v14+ |
GitHub |
WakaTime |
Netlify |
- Netlify Account (for deployment)
- cron-job.org Account (for scheduling)
- GitHub Personal Access Token with
scope - WakaTime API Key
1️⃣ Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/lohitkolluri/GitHub-Dynamic-Status.git
cd GitHub-Dynamic-Status
2️⃣ Install dependencies:
npm install
3️⃣ Install Netlify CLI:
npm install -g netlify-cli
1️⃣ Login to Netlify CLI:
netlify login
2️⃣ Initialize Netlify project:
netlify init
3️⃣ Set environment variables:
netlify env:set GITHUB_TOKEN your_github_token
netlify env:set WAKATIME_API_KEY your_wakatime_api_key
netlify env:set NODE_ENV prod
4️⃣ Deploy to production:
netlify deploy --prod
During deployment, use these settings:
- Build command:
npm install
- Publish directory: Leave empty or use
- Functions directory:
1️⃣ Go to cron-job.org and create an account
2️⃣ Create a new cron job:
- Title: "Update GitHub Status"
- URL:
- Schedule: Every 15 minutes (
*/15 * * * *
) - Request method: GET
- Notifications: Enable on failure (recommended)
3️⃣ Save and activate the cron job
⏳ 2h30m ⟫ 📂 ProjectName ⟫ ⬢⬢⬢⬢⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡⬡ 50% ⟫ JavaScript
Icon | Meaning |
⏳ | Total coding time today |
📂 | Current/last active project |
⬢⬡ | Progress bar showing daily goal |
⟫ | Section separator |
Click to expand configuration options
const config = {
updateInterval: 15 * 60 * 1000, // ⏰ Status update frequency (default: 15 minutes)
maxStatusLength: 80, // 📏 Maximum status message length
progressBarLength: 20, // 📊 Length of the progress bar (10 in handler)
retryAttempts: 3, // 🔄 Number of retry attempts for API calls
baseURL: 'https://wakatime.com/api/v1', // 🌐 WakaTime API base URL
debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'dev', // 🐛 Enable debug logging based on environment
activityWindow: 300, // ⏱️ Time window to consider active coding (5 minutes in seconds)
Status Config Options:
progressFilled: '⬢', // Filled progress bar character
progressEmpty: '⬡', // Empty progress bar character
timeIcon: '⏳', // Time display icon
projectIcon: '📂', // Project name icon
codingIcon: '💻', // Active coding icon
idleIcon: '🌙', // Idle status icon
errorIcon: '⚠️', // Error status icon
separator: '⟫' // Section separator
Basic Usage
import { WakaTimeStatus } from './path/to/module';
const statusUpdater = new WakaTimeStatus();
// Add event listeners
statusUpdater.on('statusUpdated', (status) =>
console.log('Status updated:', status),
statusUpdater.on('error', (error) => console.error('Error:', error));
// Start the updater
Advanced Usage
const config = {
updateInterval: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
progressBarLength: 15,
debug: true,
const statusUpdater = new WakaTimeStatus(config);
statusUpdater.on('started', () => console.log('Status updater started'));
statusUpdater.on('stopped', () => console.log('Status updater stopped'));
statusUpdater.on('statusUpdated', (status) =>
console.log('Status updated:', status),
statusUpdater.on('error', (error) => console.error('Error occurred:', error));
await statusUpdater.start();
- Check your Netlify function logs in the Netlify dashboard for function execution details
- Monitor cron job execution in cron-job.org dashboard for scheduling reliability
- Watch your GitHub profile status for successful updates
- Enable notifications in cron-job.org for immediate failure alerts
Event | Description |
started |
🟢 When the status updater starts |
stopped |
🔴 When the status updater stops |
statusUpdated |
🔄 When a new status is set |
error |
dataFetched |
📥 When new WakaTime data is retrieved |
The module includes robust error handling for:
- 🚫 Rate limiting with exponential backoff
- 🌐 API failures with automatic retry
- 🔑 Missing or invalid environment variables
- ⚙️ Invalid configurations
- 📡 Network connectivity issues
- ⏱️ Request timeouts
Common Issues
Function not deploying
- Verify your
configuration - Check if the functions directory is correct
- Ensure all dependencies are in
- Verify your
Status not updating
- Verify your environment variables in Netlify
- Check cron job execution logs
- Ensure GitHub token has correct permissions
Rate limiting issues
- Adjust the cron job frequency
- Check WakaTime API quotas
- Verify rate limiting configuration
MIT License © Lohit Kolluri - feel free to use this project as you wish!