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Cloudwatch Metric Stream

Deploy this integration to send your CloudWatch metrics to


This integration creates a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that links to your CloudWatch metrics stream and then sends the metrics to your account. It also creates a Lambda function that adds AWS namespaces to the metric stream, and a Lambda function that collects and ships the resources' tags.


To deploy this project, click the button that matches the region you wish to deploy your Stack to:

Region Deployment
us-east-1 Deploy to AWS
us-east-2 Deploy to AWS
us-west-1 Deploy to AWS
us-west-2 Deploy to AWS
eu-central-1 Deploy to AWS
eu-central-2 Deploy to AWS
eu-north-1 Deploy to AWS
eu-west-1 Deploy to AWS
eu-west-2 Deploy to AWS
eu-west-3 Deploy to AWS
sa-east-1 Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-1 Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-2 Deploy to AWS
ap-northeast-3 Deploy to AWS
ap-south-1 Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-1 Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-2 Deploy to AWS
ca-central-1 Deploy to AWS
eu-central-2 Deploy to AWS
eu-south-1 Deploy to AWS
eu-south-2 Deploy to AWS
ap-south-2 Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-3 Deploy to AWS
ap-southeast-4 Deploy to AWS
ap-east-1 Deploy to AWS
ca-west-1 Deploy to AWS
af-south-1 Deploy to AWS
me-central-1 Deploy to AWS
il-central-1 Deploy to AWS

1. Specify stack details

Specify the stack details as per the table below, check the checkboxes and select Create stack.

Parameter Description Required/Default
logzioListener The listener URL for your region. (For more details, see the regions page. For example - Required
logzioToken Your metrics shipping token. Required
awsNamespaces Comma-separated list of the AWS namespaces you want to monitor. See [this list](( of namespaces. If you want to automatically add all namespaces, use value all-namespaces. At least one of awsNamespaces or customNamespace is required
customNamespace A custom namespace for CloudWatch metrics. This is used to specify a namespace unique to your setup, separate from the standard AWS namespaces. At least one of awsNamespaces or customNamespace is required
logzioDestination Your destination URL. Required
httpEndpointDestinationIntervalInSeconds The length of time, in seconds, that Kinesis Data Firehose buffers incoming data before delivering it to the destination. 60
httpEndpointDestinationSizeInMBs The size of the buffer, in MBs, that Kinesis Data Firehose uses for incoming data before delivering it to the destination. 5
debugMode Enable debug mode for detailed logging (true/false). false

2. Send your metrics

Give your Cloudformation a few minutes to be created, and that's it!


  • 1.4.0
    • Added Support for otlp 1.0 protocol
    • Support adding custom 'p8s_logzio_name` label
  • 1.3.4
    • Added debug mode to namespaces and tags to provide detailed operational logs, facilitating easier debugging.
    • Added physicalResourceId in response, enhancing CloudFormation stack resource tracking.
  • 1.3.3
    • Expanded the REGIONS list with new AWS regions.
    • Enhanced the script for better AWS multi-region support by implementing region-specific S3 client usage.
  • 1.3.2
    • Upgrade the runtime from Go 1.x to the provided Amazon Linux 2023.
  • 1.3.1
    • Support collecting DBInstanceIdentifier as label for the aws_resource_info metric for RDS resources.
  • 1.3.0
    • Added the functionality of customNamespace to specify a unique namespace.
  • 1.2.4
    • Add more logzio destinations to Cloudwatch template.
  • 1.2.3
    • Remove 3 logzio destinations from Cloudformation template.
  • 1.2.2
    • Add s3 metrics collector function
    • Updated aws cloudformation templates
    • Added s3 metrics collector deployment logic to namespaces function
  • 1.2.1:
    • Template - rename field to avoid warning upon deployment.
  • 1.2.0:
    • Add label logzio_agent_version to aws_resouece_info metrics.
    • Create log group and log stream for Firehose Delivery Stream.
  • 1.1.0:
    • Support adding all namespaces by setting awsNamespaces with all-namespaces.
    • Tags function: fix EBS service details.
  • 1.0.0: Initial release.