This project will help you find a recipe with ingredients you already have.
- Input ingredients you have
- See a list of recipes that are similar to your existing ingredients
- Each of these results will give you a list of ingredients you have which are needed and a list of ingredients you will need to buy
- Eventually if given enough time in the semester I would like to add prices of the needed recipes
- Add several recipes to your "cart" and will give you a list of ingredients to buy
- This website should show all recipes until you start inputing ingredients
I am planning to do this project in Flask, found this tutorial
- 2/10 Finish Flask Tutorial(simple website and db setup) and find/combine recipes into one table
- 2/24 Basics website design with static content
- 3/16 DB/Dynamic content
- 4/6 Search
- 4/27 "Shopping cart" with recipe/ingredient list
- 5/8 Fixes and testing