A library to generate Matplotlib graphics within Django applications.
Matplotlib is a Python library for mathematical graphics representations, widely used in science in general and data science in particular.
Django is the leading framework for building web applications in the Python ecosystem.
This library is built with the intention of speeding up the building of data science webapps by generating graphics on the server side.
The library provides three different ways to use the rendered graphics:
- as a view to be served as a standalone graphics file
- as a text variable to be rendered within a webpage
- as a file to be saved and served lately useful for background task geneartion.
To create a Django view that returns a PNG file with the plot. In the
from plottings import PNGViewPlot
class PlotView(PNGViewPlot):
def get_plot_data(self):
return np.random.rand(20)
def get_plot_options(self):
return {"color": "blue"}
def plotter_function(data, color="orange"):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(data, '-o', ms=20, lw=2, alpha=0.7, mfc=color)
return figure
And in the urls.py
urlpatterns = [
path("myplot", views.PlotView, name="plot"),
- Python PyPi Package
- Documentation in Read the Docs.
- Development Repository is centralized on GitHub