My linux cli workspace configurations (e.g. dot files, useful snippets, color schemes, etc.).
If you want a one-step-setup to reproduce my current workspace, there is a bootstrap procedure.
NOTE: This procedure may mess up your current environment. Please refer to justfile
for more information.
properly initialized for your current shell
You have to use a Nerd Font patched font to correctly show the icons.
I am using FiraCodeNF for normal text and SourceCodeProNF for italic text.
If your terminal (e.g. Windows Terminal) does not allow seperated font settings for normal and italic text, consider use fira-code-italic-fallback, which is called FiraCodeNF-MediumItalic but is actually slightly-tweaked SourceCodeProNF-MediumItalic.
I am using JetBrainsMono Nerd Font now.
make bootstrap
This would automatically configure zsh
, nvim
and tmux
, as well as install some binaries via conda
(see app.yaml
, nvim
and tmux
will automatically complete their post-configurations upon their first execution.
NOTE: These post-configurations need more prerequisites, which are auto-installed before and properly configured in zshenv
. Thus it is recommended to first enter zsh
and use tmux
and nvim
from there. The locations of auto-installed binaries (including zsh
, nvim
and tmux
) are not in $PATH
by default. If you wish to use them in another shell (e.g. bash
), please refer to the "mungle PATH" part of zshenv
You may need to setup the login shell yourself if it was not zsh
If you wish to change the login shell to the auto-installed zsh
but don't have the permission to modify /etc/shells
, consider use this trick:
# At the end of ~/.bash_profile
# Be careful, this is kinda dangerous
exec ~/.conda/envs/app/bin/zsh