Welcome. I figured I would toss my site up here so anyone could follow along and observe how I build most websites. If anyone has any questions feel free to reach out and ask.
- 15" Retina Macbook Pro running Mavericks
- Adobe CS6 and occasionally Pixelmator
- Slicy - slice PSDs in a whole new way. It's so much better.
- Mamp Pro
- VMware
- Favicon PSD - HTML5 Boilerplate Favicon PSD Template
- Sublime Text 3 - awesome web editor
- Mou - the missing Markdown editor for web developers
- Neat - a lightweight semantic grid framework for Sass and Bourbon
- Bourbon - a simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass
- CodeKit - compile my scss into one css file (37kb)
- FontAwesome - Font Awesome is a full suite of 361+ pictographic icons for easy scalable vector graphics on websites
- All pixels are used by Wacom Intuous. I've been mouse-free as long as I can remember.
Aaron Hall
@llahnoraa | [email protected]