Script for AutoHotKey for a full Keyboard and Mouse Remap
In case you want to play "Devil May Cry 4 (Special Edition)" on PC and want a propper remap.
- Download and install the AutoHotKey program .
- Download the "DMC 4.ahk"-File from this repository.
- Place the AHK-File somewhere on your Desktop (or where ever you like)
- Start the script by right clicking it and select "Run Script" from the context menu. Or simply double click it.
- Start the Game!
Left Mouse Button -> Melee Attack
Right Mouse Button -> Gun Attack
Mid Mouse Button -> Special Attack
Space -> Jump
Shift -> Lock on Target
Tab -> Switch Target
Q -> Rotate Camera Left
E -> Rotate Camera Right
F -> Exceet (Charge Weapon)
X -> Devil Trigger
T -> Taunt
C -> Reset Camera
Sift + WASD + Space -> Slide
P -> Left Mouse Button (Just in case)
Pause -> Pause / Unpause Script (Just in case)