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Given a dataset UUID returns a URI to where the dataset is stored


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Dtool Lookup Server

PyPi package Travis CI build status (Linux) Code Coverage


  • Use a dataset UUID to lookup one more URIs where the dataset is stored
  • Search for datasets of interest using free text search
  • Built in support to manage users
  • Built in support to manage base URIs
  • Build in support to manage a user permissions on base URIs
  • Built in support for authentication using JSON web tokens


dtool is a command line tool for packaging data and metadata into a dataset. A dtool dataset manages data and metadata without the need for a central database.

However, if one has to manage more than a hundred datasets it can be helpful to have the datasets' metadata stored in a central server to enable one to quickly find datasets of interest.

The dtool-lookup-server provides a web API for registering datasets' metadata and provides functionality to lookup, list and search for datasets.

When managing many groups data it can be useful to ensure that users can only access metadata associated with datasets stored in base URI's that they have been given access to. The dtool-lookup-server therefore provides means to manage users, base URIs and users' permissions on those base URIs.

The dtool-lookup-server is consumed by the dtool-lookup-client, and the dtool-lookup-webapp. Third party applications making use of the dtool-lookup-server have also been created, notably the IMTEK-Simulation/dtool-lookup-gui.


Install the dtool lookup server:

$ pip install dtool-lookup-server

Setup and configuration

Configure the Flask app

The dtool lookup server is a Flask app. Flask needs to know where to look for the app. One therefore needs to define the FLASK_APP environment variable:

$ export FLASK_APP=dtool_lookup_server

Configure the SQL database

The dtool lookup server stores administrative metadata in a SQL database. By default it uses a SQLite database. However, this can be configured by setting the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI, i.e using something along the lines of:

export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=mysql://username:password@server/db

For more information see flask-SQLAlchemy.

Versioning of the relational database is handled using flask-Migrate

Populate the SQL database with tables using the commands below:

$ flask db init
$ flask db migrate
$ flask db upgrade

Configure the Mongo database

The dtool lookup server stores descriptive data in a Mongo database. This is used for free text searching.

Create a directory where the MongoDB data will be stored:

$ mkdir data

Start Mongo DB, for example using docker:

$ docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -v `pwd`/data:/data/db mongo

Configure a public and private key pair

The dtool lookup server implements authentication using JSON Web Tokens. It is possible to delegate the generation of JSON Web Tokens to a different service as long as one has access to the public key:

export JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=~/.ssh/

If one has access to the private key as well one can use the flask user token command line utility to generate a token for the user. To enable this one has to set the JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE environment variable:

export JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=~/.ssh/id_rsa

Mac users be warned that the Mac's implementation ssh-keygen may result in files that do not adhere to the RFC standard. As such you may get a warning along the lines of:

ValueError: Could not deserialize key data.

In this case you need to find a version of ssh-keygen that generates files that adhere to the RFC standard, the easiest is probably to generate them in Linux.

Making use of JSON Web Tokens from a different server

When making use of JSON Web Tokens from a different server it may be easier to use configure the server using the pubic key directly rather than the public key file:

export JWT_PUBLIC_KEY="ssh-rsa XXXXXX user@localhost"

Starting the flask app

The Flask web app can be started using the command below:

$ flask run

Populating the dtool lookup server using the CLI

Indexing a base URI

Datasets can be stored on filesystem and in object storage such as AWS S3. In an AWS S3 bucket datasets are stored in a flat structure and the bucket itself is the base URI. To index all the datasets in the S3 bucket, the base URI, one first needs to register it in the dtool lookup server:

flask base_uri add s3://dtool-demo

One can then index it using the command:

$ flask base_uri index s3://dtool-demo
Registered: s3://dtool-demo/8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e
Registered: s3://dtool-demo/907e1b52-d649-476a-b0bc-643ef769a7d9
Registered: s3://dtool-demo/af6727bf-29c7-43dd-b42f-a5d7ede28337
Registered: s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db
Registered: s3://dtool-demo/c58038a4-3a54-425e-9087-144d0733387f
Registered: s3://dtool-demo/faa44606-cb86-4877-b9ea-643a3777e021

It is possible to list all the base URIs registered in the dtool lookup server:

$ flask base_uri list
    "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
    "users_with_search_permissions": [],
    "users_with_register_permissions": []

In the output above it is worth noting that there are two types of permissions associated with a base URI. "Search" permissions allow a user to search for datasets in a base URI. "Register" permissions allow a user to register a dataset in the dtool lookup server if it is stored in the specific base URI.

Adding a user and managing permissions

The command below adds the user olssont to the dtool lookup server:

$ flask user add olssont

The command below gives the user olssont search permissions on the s3://dtool-demo base URI:

$ flask user search_permission olssont s3://dtool-demo

The command below gives the user olssont register permissions on the s3://dtool-demo base URI:

$ flask user register_permission olssont s3://dtool-demo

Creating an admin user

The command below adds the user overlord, with admin privileges, to the dtool lookup server:

$ flask user add --is_admin overlord

Generating a JSON Web Token for a registered user

The command below can be used to generate a token for a user to authenticate with when using the web API:

$ flask user token olssont
eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5... (truncated)

Listing the registered users

The command below lists the users registered in the dtool lookup server:

$ flask user list
    "username": "olssont",
    "is_admin": false,
    "register_permissions_on_base_uris": [
    "search_permissions_on_base_uris": [
    "username": "overlord",
    "is_admin": true,
    "register_permissions_on_base_uris": [],
    "search_permissions_on_base_uris": []

Deleting a user

The command below can be used to delete a user:

$ flask user delete overlord

Adding and removing admin privileges from an existing user

The command below can be used to give an existing user admin privileges:

$ flask user update --is_admin olssont

The command below can be used to remove admin privileges from an existing user:

$ flask user update olssont

The dtool lookup server API

The dtool lookup server makes use of the Authrized header to pass through the JSON web token for authrization. Below we create environment variables for the token and the header used in the curl commands:

$ TOKEN=$(flask user token olssont)
$ HEADER="Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Standard user usage

Looking up URIs based on a dataset's UUID

A dataset can be uniquely identified by it's UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Below we create an environment variable with the UUID of a dataset in the s3://dtool-demo bucket:

$ UUID=8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e

It is possible to list all the location a dataset is located in using the command below:

$ curl -H $HEADER http://localhost:5000/dataset/lookup/$UUID

Response content:

    "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
    "name": "Escherichia-coli-ref-genome",
    "uri": "s3://dtool-demo/8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e",
    "uuid": "8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e"

Note that it is possible for a dataset to be registered in more than one base URI. As such looking up a dataset by UUID can result in multiple hits.

Summary information about datasets

An overall summary of datasets accessible to a user can be accessed using the request below:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" http://localhost:5000/dataset/summary

The response will contain JSON content along the lines of:

    "number_of_datasets": 3,
    "creator_usernames": ["queen"],
    "base_uris": ["s3://mr-men", "s3://snow-white"],
    "datasets_per_creator": {"queen": 3},
    "datasets_per_base_uri": {"s3://mr-men": 1, "s3://snow-white": 2},
    "tags": ["fruit", "veg"],
    "datasets_per_tag": {"fruit": 2, "veg": 1}

Listing all datasets

All the dataset's that a user has permissions to search for can be listed using the request below:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" http://localhost:5000/dataset/list

Some of the output of the command above is displayed below:

    "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
    "name": "Escherichia-coli-ref-genome",
    "uri": "s3://dtool-demo/8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e",
    "uuid": "8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e"
  ... (truncated)
    "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
    "name": "Escherichia-coli-reads-ERR022075",
    "uri": "s3://dtool-demo/faa44606-cb86-4877-b9ea-643a3777e021",
    "uuid": "faa44606-cb86-4877-b9ea-643a3777e021"

Searching for specific datasets

The command below does a full text search for the word "microscopy" in the descriptive metadata:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d '{"free_text": "microscopy"}'  \

Below is the result of this search:

    "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
    "created_at": "1530803916.74",
    "creator_username": "olssont",
    "dtoolcore_version": "3.3.0",
    "frozen_at": "1536749825.85",
    "name": "hypocotyl3",
    "type": "dataset",
    "uri": "s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db",
    "uuid": "ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db"

Below is a JSON string specifying a more complex query that will search for datasets with "apples" in the "s3://snow-white" bucket created by either "grumpy" or "dopey", and has both of the tags "fruit" and "veg":

    "base_uris": ["s3://snow-white"],
    "creator_usernames": ["grumpy", "dopey"],
    "free_text": "apples",
    "tags": ["fruit", "veg"]


The search engine make use of "OR" logic for the items in base_uris and creator_usernames lists, but uses "AND" logic for filtering the search based on the items in the tags list.

Accessing a dataset's readme, annotations and manifest

The command below retrieves the readme for the dataset with the URI s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d  \
    '{"uri": "s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db"}'  \

The command below retrieves the annotations for the dataset with the URI s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d  \
    '{"uri": "s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db"}'  \

The command below retrieves the manifest for the dataset with the URI s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d  \
    '{"uri": "s3://dtool-demo/ba92a5fa-d3b4-4f10-bcb9-947f62e652db"}'  \

Getting information about one's own permissions

A user can find out about his/her own permissions using the command below:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" http://localhost:5000/user/info/olssont

Response content:

  "is_admin": false,
  "register_permissions_on_base_uris": [
  "search_permissions_on_base_uris": [
  "username": "olssont"

Data champion user usage

A data champion is different from a regular user in that he/she has "register" permissions on a base URI. This means that a data champion can register metadata about a data to the dtool lookup server.

Registering a dataset

Below is an example of how to register a dataset:

  "annotations": {},
  "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
  "created_at": 1537802877.62,
  "creator_username": "olssont",
  "dtoolcore_version": "3.7.0",
  "frozen_at": 1537916653.7,
  "name": "Escherichia-coli-ref-genome",
  "readme": {
    "accession_id": "U00096.3",
    "description": "U00096.3 genome with Bowtie2 indices",
    "index_build_cmd": "bowtie2-build U00096.3.fasta reference",
    "index_builder": "bowtie2-build version 2.3.3",
    "link": "",
    "organism": "Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655"
  "type": "dataset",
  "uri": "s3://dtool-demo/8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e",
  "uuid": "8ecd8e05-558a-48e2-b563-0c9ea273e71e"
$ curl -H $HEADER -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \

The required keys are defined in the variable dtool_lookup_server.utils.DATASET_INFO_REQUIRED_KEYS.

Admin user usage

The administrative user can register new users, base URIs and manage who has permissions to search for and register datasets. Below we update the header to use the token from the overlord admin user:

$ TOKEN=$(flask user token overlord)
$ HEADER="Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

Listing registered users

To list all the registered users an admin user can use the below:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" http://localhost:5000/admin/user/list

Response content:

    "is_admin": false,
    "register_permissions_on_base_uris": [
    "search_permissions_on_base_uris": [
    "username": "olssont"
    "is_admin": true,
    "register_permissions_on_base_uris": [],
    "search_permissions_on_base_uris": [],
    "username": "overlord"

Registering users

An admin user can register other users in batch:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d '[{"username": "admin", "is_admin": true}, {"username": "joe"}]'  \

Registering a base URI

An admin user can register a new base URI:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d '{"base_uri": "s3://another-bucket"}'  \

Listing registered base URIs

An admin user can list all registered base URIs:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" http://localhost:5000/admin/base_uri/list

Response content:

    "base_uri": "s3://dtool-demo",
    "users_with_register_permissions": [
    "users_with_search_permissions": [
    "base_uri": "s3://another-bucket",
    "users_with_register_permissions": [],
    "users_with_search_permissions": []

Updating the permissions on a base URI

An admin user can update the permissions on a base URI:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d '{
      "base_uri": "s3://another-bucket",
      "users_with_register_permissions": [
      "users_with_search_permissions": [
    }'  \

Note that the request below can be used to clear all existing permissions:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d '{
      "base_uri": "s3://another-bucket",
      "users_with_register_permissions": [],
      "users_with_search_permissions": []}'  \

Getting informations about the permissions on a base URI

An admin user can get information about the permissions on a base URI:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" -H "Content-Type: application/json"  \
    -X POST -d '{"base_uri": "s3://another-bucket"}'  \

Response content:

  "base_uri": "s3://another-bucket",
  "users_with_register_permissions": [],
  "users_with_search_permissions": []

Querying server configuration

The request:

$ curl -H "$HEADER" http://localhost:5000/config/info

will return the current server configuration with all keys in lowercase, i.e.:

  "jsonify_prettyprint_regular": true,
  "jwt_algorithm": "RS256",
  "jwt_header_name": "Authorization",
  "jwt_header_type": "Bearer",
  "jwt_public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
  "jwt_token_location": "headers",
  "sqlalchemy_track_modifications": false,
  "version": "0.14.1",
  "dtool_lookup_server_plugin_scaffolding": {
    "some_public_plugin_specific_setting": "public",
    "version": "0.1.2"

If any dtool server plugins are installed, their configuration is embedded in the response as shown for the dummy dtool_lookup_server_plugin_scaffolding plugin above. See dtool_lookup_server.config.Config and dtool_lookup_server.utils.config_to_dict for more information.

Creating a plugin

It is possible to create add plugins to this system. This is achieved by creating a separate Python package containing a Flask blueprint.

A basic plugin could consist of a single __init__ and a file in the directory structure below:

|-- my_plugin
|   `--

The file could contain the code below.

from flask import Blueprint

my_plugin_bp = Blueprint('my_plugin', __name__, url_prefix="/my_plugin")

@my_plugin_bp.route('/', methods=["GET"])
def show(page):
    return "My plugin content"

The Flask blueprint object(s) need to be associated with the dtool_lookup_server.blueprints entrypoint in the Python package file. The file would need to look something along the lines of the below.

from setuptools import setup

        "dtool_lookup_server.blueprints": [

Scaffold code for implementing a plugin, created by Johannes L. Hoermann can be found in dtool-lookup-server-plugin-scaffolding.

Examples of actual plugins include:


Given a dataset UUID returns a URI to where the dataset is stored







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