dtool CLI plugin for querying dependency graph from dtool lookup server.
To install the dtool-lookup-client-dependency-graph-plugin
pip install dtool-lookup-client-dependency-graph-plugin
This plugin depends on having a dtool-lookup-server with dtool-lookup-server-dependency-graph-plugin installed to talk to.
To lookup dependency graph starting at dataset UUID:
dtool graph UUID
To build dependency graph using specific keys for UUIDs:
dtool graph UUID --dependency-keys derived_from
To access specific page of results:
dtool graph UUID --page-number 3 --page-size 40
To show pagination inormation before listing results, use:
dtool --debug graph UUID
You will see info like
INFO - Pagination information: {'total': 1, 'total_pages': 1, 'first_page': 1, 'last_page': 1, 'page': 1}
To generate a dot-format graph instead of JSON list output, use:
dtool graph UUID --dot > graph.dot
or convert to PDF directly with:
dtool graph UUID --dot | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf